var _ = require('lodash'), debug = require('debug')('freecc:cntr:bonfires'), Bonfire = require('./../models/Bonfire'), User = require('./../models/User'), resources = require('./resources'); /** * Bonfire controller */ exports.bonfireNames = function(req, res) { res.render('bonfires/showList', { bonfireList: resources.allBonfireNames() }); }; exports.index = function(req, res) { res.render('bonfire/show.jade', { completedWith: null, title: 'Bonfire Playground', name: 'Bonfire Playground', difficulty: 0, brief: 'Feel free to play around!', details: '', tests: [], challengeSeed: '', challengeEntryPoint: '', cc: req.user ? req.user.bonfiresHash : undefined, points: req.user ? req.user.points : undefined, verb: resources.randomVerb(), phrase: resources.randomPhrase(), compliments: resources.randomCompliment(), bonfires: [], bonfireHash: 'test' }); }; exports.returnNextBonfire = function(req, res) { if (!req.user) { return res.redirect('../bonfires/meet-bonfire'); } var completed = (elem) { return elem._id; }); req.user.uncompletedBonfires = resources.allBonfireIds().filter(function (elem) { if (completed.indexOf(elem) === -1) { return elem; } });; var uncompletedBonfires = req.user.uncompletedBonfires; var displayedBonfires = Bonfire.find({'_id': uncompletedBonfires[0]}); displayedBonfires.exec(function(err, bonfire) { if (err) { next(err); } bonfire = bonfire.pop(); if (bonfire === undefined) { req.flash('errors', { msg: "It looks like you've completed all the bonfires we have available. Good job!" }); return res.redirect('../bonfires/meet-bonfire'); } nameString =\s/g, '-'); return res.redirect('../bonfires/' + nameString); }); }; exports.returnIndividualBonfire = function(req, res, next) { var dashedName = req.params.bonfireName; bonfireName = dashedName.replace(/\-/g, ' '); Bonfire.find({"name" : new RegExp(bonfireName, 'i')}, function(err, bonfire) { if (err) { next(err); } if (bonfire.length < 1) { req.flash('errors', { msg: "404: We couldn't find a bonfire with that name. Please double check the name." }); return res.redirect('/bonfires'); } bonfire = bonfire.pop() var dashedNameFull =\s/g, '-'); if (dashedNameFull != dashedName) { return res.redirect('../bonfires/' + dashedNameFull); } res.render('bonfire/show', { completedWith: null, title:, dashedName: dashedName, name:, difficulty: Math.floor(+bonfire.difficulty), brief: bonfire.description[0], details: bonfire.description.slice(1), tests: bonfire.tests, challengeSeed: bonfire.challengeSeed, challengeEntryPoint: bonfire.challengeEntryPoint, cc: !!req.user, points: req.user ? req.user.points : undefined, verb: resources.randomVerb(), phrase: resources.randomPhrase(), compliment: resources.randomCompliment(), bonfires: bonfire, bonfireHash: bonfire._id }); }); }; /** * Bonfire generator */ exports.returnGenerator = function(req, res) { res.render('bonfire/generator', { title: null, name: null, difficulty: null, brief: null, details: null, tests: null, challengeSeed: null, challengeEntryPoint: null, bonfireHash: randomString() }); }; /** * Post for bonfire generation */ function randomString() { var chars = "0123456789abcdef"; var string_length = 23; var randomstring = 'a'; for (var i=0; i 0) { return elem; } }; exports.publicGenerator = function(req, res) { res.render('bonfire/public-generator'); }; exports.generateChallenge = function(req, res) { var bonfireName =, bonfireTests = req.body.tests, bonfireDifficulty = req.body.difficulty, bonfireDescription = req.body.description, bonfireEntryPoint = req.body.challengeEntryPoint, bonfireChallengeSeed = req.body.challengeSeed; bonfireTests = bonfireTests.split('\r\n'); bonfireDescription = bonfireDescription.split('\r\n'); bonfireTests.filter(getRidOfEmpties); bonfireDescription.filter(getRidOfEmpties); bonfireChallengeSeed = bonfireChallengeSeed.replace('\r', ''); var response = { _id: randomString(), name: bonfireName, difficulty: bonfireDifficulty, description: bonfireDescription, challengeEntryPoint: bonfireEntryPoint, challengeSeed: bonfireChallengeSeed, tests: bonfireTests }; res.send(response); }; exports.completedBonfire = function (req, res) { var isCompletedWith = req.body.bonfireInfo.completedWith || undefined; var isCompletedDate = Math.round(+new Date() / 1000); var bonfireHash = req.body.bonfireInfo.bonfireHash; var isSolution = req.body.bonfireInfo.solution; if (isCompletedWith) { var paired = User.find({"profile.username": isCompletedWith}).limit(1); paired.exec(function (err, pairedWith) { if (err) { return err; } else { var index = req.user.uncompletedBonfires.indexOf(bonfireHash); if (index > -1) { req.user.points++; req.user.uncompletedBonfires.splice(index, 1) } pairedWith = pairedWith.pop(); index = pairedWith.uncompletedBonfires.indexOf(bonfireHash); if (index > -1) { pairedWith.points++; pairedWith.uncompletedBonfires.splice(index, 1); } pairedWith.completedBonfires.push({ _id: bonfireHash, completedWith: req.user._id, completedDate: isCompletedDate, solution: isSolution }); req.user.completedBonfires.push({ _id: bonfireHash, completedWith: pairedWith._id, completedDate: isCompletedDate, solution: isSolution }) (err, user) { (err, paired) { if (err) { throw err; } if (user && paired) { res.send(true); } }) }); } }) } else { req.user.completedBonfires.push({ _id: bonfireHash, completedWith: null, completedDate: isCompletedDate, solution: isSolution }); var index = req.user.uncompletedBonfires.indexOf(bonfireHash); if (index > -1) { req.user.points++; req.user.uncompletedBonfires.splice(index, 1) } (err, user) { if (err) { throw err; } if (user) { debug('Saving user'); res.send(true) } }); } };