import debug from 'debug'; import { check } from 'express-validator/check'; import { ifNoUser401, createValidatorErrorHandler } from '../utils/middleware'; import { themes } from '../../common/utils/themes.js'; import { alertTypes } from '../../common/utils/flash.js'; import { isValidUsername } from '../../../utils/validate'; const log = debug('fcc:boot:settings'); export default function settingsController(app) { const api = app.loopback.Router(); const updateMyUsername = createUpdateMyUsername(app); api.put('/update-privacy-terms', ifNoUser401, updatePrivacyTerms); '/refetch-user-completed-challenges', ifNoUser401, refetchCompletedChallenges ); '/update-my-current-challenge', ifNoUser401, updateMyCurrentChallengeValidators, createValidatorErrorHandler(alertTypes.danger), updateMyCurrentChallenge );'/update-my-portfolio', ifNoUser401, updateMyPortfolio);'/update-my-projects', ifNoUser401, updateMyProjects); '/update-my-theme', ifNoUser401, updateMyThemeValidators, createValidatorErrorHandler(alertTypes.danger), updateMyTheme ); api.put('/update-my-about', ifNoUser401, updateMyAbout); api.put( '/update-my-email', ifNoUser401, updateMyEmailValidators, createValidatorErrorHandler(alertTypes.danger), updateMyEmail ); api.put('/update-my-profileui', ifNoUser401, updateMyProfileUI); api.put('/update-my-username', ifNoUser401, updateMyUsername); api.put('/update-user-flag', ifNoUser401, updateUserFlag); app.use('/internal', api); app.use(api); } const standardErrorMessage = { type: 'danger', message: 'Something went wrong updating your account. Please check and try again' }; const standardSuccessMessage = { type: 'success', message: 'We have updated your preferences' }; const createStandardHandler = (req, res, next) => err => { if (err) { res.status(500).json(standardErrorMessage); return next(err); } return res.status(200).json(standardSuccessMessage); }; function refetchCompletedChallenges(req, res, next) { const { user } = req; return user .requestCompletedChallenges() .subscribe(completedChallenges => res.json({ completedChallenges }), next); } const updateMyEmailValidators = [ check('email') .isEmail() .withMessage('Email format is invalid.') ]; function updateMyEmail(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { email } } = req; return user .requestUpdateEmail(email) .subscribe(message => res.json({ message }), next); } const updateMyCurrentChallengeValidators = [ check('currentChallengeId') .isMongoId() .withMessage('currentChallengeId is not a valid challenge ID') ]; function updateMyCurrentChallenge(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { currentChallengeId } } = req; return user.updateAttribute( 'currentChallengeId', currentChallengeId, (err, updatedUser) => { if (err) { return next(err); } const { currentChallengeId } = updatedUser; return res.status(200).json(currentChallengeId); } ); } const updateMyThemeValidators = [ check('theme') .isIn(Object.keys(themes)) .withMessage('Theme is invalid.') ]; function updateMyTheme(req, res, next) { const { body: { theme } } = req; if (req.user.theme === theme) { return res.sendFlash(, 'Theme already set'); } return req.user .updateTheme(theme) .then( () => res.sendFlash(, 'Your theme has been updated'), next ); } function updateMyPortfolio(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { portfolio } } = req; // if we only have one key, it should be the id // user cannot send only one key to this route // other than to remove a portfolio item const requestDelete = Object.keys(portfolio).length === 1; return user .updateMyPortfolio(portfolio, requestDelete) .subscribe(message => res.json({ message }), next); } function updateMyProfileUI(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { profileUI } } = req; user.updateAttribute( 'profileUI', profileUI, createStandardHandler(req, res, next) ); } function updateMyProjects(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { projects: project } } = req; return user .updateMyProjects(project) .subscribe(message => res.json({ message }), next); } function updateMyAbout(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { name, location, about, picture } } = req; log(name, location, picture, about); return user.updateAttributes( { name, location, about, picture }, createStandardHandler(req, res, next) ); } function createUpdateMyUsername(app) { const { User } = app.models; return async function updateMyUsername(req, res, next) { const { user, body: { username } } = req; if (username.toLowerCase() === user.username) { return res.json({ type: 'info', message: 'Username is already associated with this account' }); } const validation = isValidUsername(username); if (!validation.valid) { return res.json({ type: 'info', message: `Username ${username} ${validation.error}` }); } const exists = await User.doesExist(username.toLowerCase()); if (exists) { return res.json({ type: 'info', message: 'Username is already associated with a different account' }); } return user.updateAttributes( { username: username.toLowerCase(), displayUsername: username }, err => { if (err) { res.status(500).json(standardErrorMessage); return next(err); } return res.status(200).json({ type: 'success', message: `We have updated your username to ${username}` }); } ); }; } const updatePrivacyTerms = (req, res, next) => { const { user, body: { quincyEmails } } = req; const update = { acceptedPrivacyTerms: true, sendQuincyEmail: !!quincyEmails }; return user.updateAttributes(update, err => { if (err) { res.status(500).json(standardErrorMessage); return next(err); } return res.status(200).json({ type: 'success', message: 'We have updated your preferences. ' + 'You can now continue using freeCodeCamp.' }); }); }; function updateUserFlag(req, res, next) { const { user, body: update } = req; return user.updateAttributes(update, createStandardHandler(req, res, next)); }