--- id: 56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244bd title: Passing Values to Functions with Arguments challengeType: 1 videoUrl: '' localeTitle: '' --- ## Description undefined ## Instructions undefined ## Tests
```yml tests: - text: '' testString: 'assert(typeof functionWithArgs === "function", "functionWithArgs should be a function");' - text: '' testString: 'if(typeof functionWithArgs === "function") { capture(); functionWithArgs(1,2); uncapture(); } assert(logOutput == 3, "functionWithArgs(1,2) should output 3");' - text: '' testString: 'if(typeof functionWithArgs === "function") { capture(); functionWithArgs(7,9); uncapture(); } assert(logOutput == 16, "functionWithArgs(7,9) should output 16");' - text: '' testString: 'assert(/^\s*functionWithArgs\s*\(\s*\d+\s*,\s*\d+\s*\)\s*;/m.test(code), "Call functionWithArgs with two numbers after you define it.");' ```
## Challenge Seed
```js // Example function ourFunctionWithArgs(a, b) { console.log(a - b); } ourFunctionWithArgs(10, 5); // Outputs 5 // Only change code below this line. ```
### Before Test
```js var logOutput = ""; var originalConsole = console function capture() { var nativeLog = console.log; console.log = function (message) { if(message) logOutput = JSON.stringify(message).trim(); if(nativeLog.apply) { nativeLog.apply(originalConsole, arguments); } else { var nativeMsg = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments).join(' '); nativeLog(nativeMsg); } }; } function uncapture() { console.log = originalConsole.log; } capture(); ```
### After Test
```js console.info('after the test'); ```
## Solution
```js // solution required ```