--- title: Bottle --- The bottle framework allows us to very quickly and easily get up and running with a basic web application. The following details how to write and run a simple greeting web app where we can enter our name in a form, press submit and get back a greeting. 1. Use `pip` to install the bottle package. ``` pip install bottle ``` 2. Create a `html` file to be served when loading the site. For example `index.html`. Let's add a heading and a basic form to this page. ```html

Say Hello


``` 3. Create a new python file, example `main.py`. 4. In the first line of the file we need to import get, request, and run functions from the bottle module. ```python from bottle import get, request, run ``` 5. Now we define our function to serve our html file when the root page is accessed. Here we use the `@get` decorator, which specifies this function should respond to `HTTP GET` requests and pass in `'/'` as the path that the function will be invoked by. Next we define then `index()` function using the `def` keyword. To read and return the html file we created in step 2, we use what is called a context manager. This handles opening and closing the file for us, allowing us to read the files and contents and return them with the `return` statement. ```python @get('/') def index(): with open('./index.html') as f: return f.read() ``` 6. To get the site to run and listen for requests we need to add a call to the bottle frameworks `run` function as follows. Here we pass in the host that the web application will run on, in this case `localhost`, and the port that it should listen for HTTP requests. 7. Run the application and load it up in your browser http://localhost:8080/, you should see the html file we created eariler rendered in the browser. If we enter our name and press submit now we will get a `HTTP 404` error though as we have not yet defined the function to respond to this request. ```python run(host='localhost', port=8080) ``` 8. Back in our `main.py` file we now need to define the function to respond when sumbitting our form. Again we use the `@get` decorator here, however this time we pass in `'/.hello'` as the path. You may notice that this is the same path that we defined in the action attribute of our form in `index.html`. Next we retrieve the `name` value from the url, when submitting the form the form data is url encoded like this http://localhost:8080/hello?name=Jon+Snow Finally we return our greeting, appending the name entered in our form. ```python @get('/hello') def hello(): name = request.query['name'] return f'Hello {name}' ``` ### Sources https://bottlepy.org/docs/dev/