const chunk = require('lodash/chunk'); const getAllBetween = require('./utils/between-headings'); const mdastToHtml = require('./utils/mdast-to-html'); function plugin() { return transformer; function transformer(tree, file) { const hintNodes = getAllBetween(tree, '--hints--'); if (hintNodes.length % 2 !== 0) throw Error('Tests must be in (text, ```testString```) order'); const tests = chunk(hintNodes, 2).map(getTest); = tests; } } function getTest(hintNodes) { const [textNode, testStringNode] = hintNodes; const text = mdastToHtml([textNode]); const testString = testStringNode.value; if (!text) throw Error('text is missing from hint'); // stub tests (i.e. text, but no testString) are allowed, but the md must // have a code block, even if it is empty. if (!testString && testString !== '') throw Error('testString (code block) is missing from hint'); return { text, testString }; } module.exports = plugin;