{ "name": "JSON APIs and Ajax", "order": 0.0065, "challenges": [ { "id": "bad87fed1348bd9aeca08826", "title": "Trigger on click Events with jQuery", "difficulty": 3.19, "description": [ "With jQuery we are able to get data from APIs via Ajax", "This data normally comes in the form of JSON", "Let's get the Get Message button to set the text of a div", "We will later use this to display the result of out API request", "$(\"#getMessage\").on(\"click\", function(){", "  $(\".message\").html(\"Here is the message\");", "});" ], "tests": [ "assert(editor.match(/\\$\\(\\s?\\\"\\#getMessage\\\"\\s?\\)\\.on\\s?\\(\\s?\\\"click\\\"\\,\\s?function\\s?\\(\\)\\s?\\{/gi), 'You should have bound the click event to the getMessage button')", "assert(editor.match(/\\$\\(\\s?\\\"\\.message\\\"\\s?\\)\\.html\\(\\s?\\\"Here\\sis\\sthe\\smessage\\\"\\s?\\);/gi), 'You should set te value of the #message box to be the message given in the description')", "assert(editor.match(/\\}\\);/gi) && editor.match(/\\}\\);/gi).length >= 2, 'Make sure that you close off all of your functions')" ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " $(document).ready(function() {", " ", " });", "fcces", "", "", "", "
", "
", "

Cat Photo Finder

", "
", "
", "
", "
", " The message will go here", "
", "
", "
", "
", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad87fee1348bd9aebc08726", "title": "Learn JSON Syntax", "description": [ "JSON stands for \"JavaScript Object Notation\". It\"s how you create objects in JavaScript.", "JSON is a series of \"key-value pairs\". Everything on the left of the colon (:) is the \"key\" you use to unlock the \"value\" on the right of the colon." ], "tests": [ "assert(typeof data != \"undefined\", \"Whoops! It looks like you deleted the data variable!\");", "assert(typeof getAnId != \"undefined\", \"Whoops! It looks like you deleted the getAnId function!\");", "assert(data[0]['id'] === getAnId(), \"The duntion getFirstId should return the id of the first element in the array\");" ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", "var data = [", " {", " \"id\": 0,", " \"imageLink\": \"http://rs611.pbsrc.com/albums/tt194/allypopper423/Funny-Cat-Green-Avacado.jpg~c200\",", " \"codeNames\": [", " \"Juggernaut\",", " \"Mrs. Wallace\",", " \"Buttercup\"", " ]", " },", " {", " \"id\": 1,", " \"imageLink\": \"http://cdn.grumpycats.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/GC-Gravatar-copy.png\",", " \"codeNames\": [", " \"Oscar\",", " \"Scrooge\",", " \"Tyrion\"", " ]", " },", " {", " \"id\": 2,", " \"imageLink\": \"http://www.kittenspet.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/cat_with_funny_face_3-200x200.jpg\",", " \"codeNames\": [", " \"The Doctor\",", " \"Loki\",", " \"Joker\"", " ]", " }", "]", "function getAnId(){", " return();", "}", "fcces" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad87fee1348bd9aeca08826", "title": "Displaying JSON data in HTML", "difficulty": 3.19, "description": [ "JSON stands for \"JavaScript Object Notation\". It\"s how you create objects in JavaScript.", "JSON is a series of \"key-value pairs\". Everything on the left of the colon (:) is the \"key\" you use to unlock the \"value\" on the right of the colon." ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " $(document).ready(function() {", " $(\"#getMessage\").on(\"click\", function(){", " $(\".message\").html(\"Here is the message\");", " });", " });", "fcces", "", "", "", "
", "
", "

Cat Photo Finder

", "
", "
", "
", "
", " The message will go here", "
", "
", "
", "
", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad84fee1348bd9aecc48826", "title": "Read Data from an Element Using jQuery", "dashedName": "waypoint-read-data-from-an-element-using-jquery", "difficulty": 3.17, "description": [ "Let's make everything roll with rollOut." ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " $(document).ready(function() {", " $(\"button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $(\"#click-me\").addClass(\"animated shake\");", " });", " });", "fcces", "", "", "", "
", "
", "
", " ", "
", "
", "


", "
", " ", " Is the checkbox checked?", " ", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad84fee1348bd9aecc38826", "title": "Read Data from an Element Using jQuery", "dashedName": "waypoint-read-data-from-an-element-using-jquery", "difficulty": 3.17, "description": [ "Let's make everything roll with rollOut." ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " $(document).ready(function() {", " $(\"button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $(\"#click-me\").addClass(\"animated shake\");", " $(\"#checked-state\").text(\"happy text\");", " });", " });", "fcces", "", "", "", "
", "
", "
", " ", "
", "
", "


", "
", " ", " Is the checkbox checked?", " ", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad84fee1348bd9aecc28826", "title": "Read Data from an Element Using jQuery", "dashedName": "waypoint-read-data-from-an-element-using-jquery", "difficulty": 3.17, "description": [ "Let's make everything roll with rollOut." ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " $(document).ready(function() {", " $(\"button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $(\"#click-me\").addClass(\"animated shake\");", " $(\"#checked-state\").text($(\"#check-me\").prop(\"checked\"));", " });", " });", "fcces", "", "", "", "
", "
", "
", " ", "
", "
", "


", "
", " ", " Is the checkbox checked?", " ", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad84fee1348bd9aecc18826", "title": "Read Data from an Element Using jQuery", "dashedName": "waypoint-read-data-from-an-element-using-jquery", "difficulty": 3.17, "description": [ ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " $(document).ready(function() {", " $(\"button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $(\"#click-me\").addClass(\"animated shake\");", " $(\"#checked-state\").text($(\"#check-me\").prop(\"checked\"));", " });", " });", "fcces", "", "", "", "
", "
", "
", " ", "
", "
", "


", "
", " ", " Is the checkbox checked?", " ", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad87fee1348bd9aecc08826", "title": "Trigger onHover Events with jQuery", "dashedName": "waypoint-trigger-onhover-events-with-jquery", "difficulty": 3.18, "description": [ ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad87fee1348bd9aebc08826", "title": "Get Data from an URL Using jQuery", "dashedName": "waypoint-get-data-from-a-url-using-jquery", "difficulty": 3.21, "description": [ ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", "", " $(document).ready(function() {", "", " $(\"#cat-button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $.getJSON(\"/json/cats.json\", function( json ) {", "", " });", " });", "", " });", "fcces", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad87fee1348bd9ae9c08826", "title": "Loop through JSON Data Using jQuery", "dashedName": "waypoint-loop-through-json-data-using-jquery", "difficulty": 3.22, "description": [ ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", "", " $(document).ready(function() {", "", " $(\"#cat-button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $.getJSON(\"/json/cats.json\", function( json ) {", "", " });", " });", "", " });", "fcces", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad88fee1348bd9ae8c08726", "title": "Wire AJAX Call into a jQuery Click Event", "dashedName": "waypoint-wire-ajax-call-into-a-jquery-click-event", "difficulty": 3.24, "description": [ "" ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " var random = function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) }", " $(document).ready(function() {", "", " $(\"#cat-button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $.getJSON(\"/json/cats.json\", function( json ) {", "", " });", " });", "", " });", "fcces", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad88fee1348bd9ae8c08626", "title": "Wire AJAX Call into a jQuery Click Event", "dashedName": "waypoint-wire-ajax-call-into-a-jquery-click-event", "difficulty": 3.24, "description": [ "" ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " var random = function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) }", " $(document).ready(function() {", "", " $(\"#cat-button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $.getJSON(\"/json/cats.json\", function( json ) {", " var kitten = json[random()];", " });", " });", "", " });", "fcces", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad88fee1348bd9ae8c08526", "title": "Wire AJAX Call into a jQuery Click Event", "dashedName": "waypoint-wire-ajax-call-into-a-jquery-click-event", "difficulty": 3.24, "description": [ "" ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " var random = function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) }", " $(document).ready(function() {", "", " $(\"#cat-button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $.getJSON(\"/json/cats.json\", function( json ) {", " var kitten = json[random()];", " $(\"\").appendTo(\"#output\");", " });", " });", "", " });", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" }, { "id": "bad88fee1348bd9ae8c08426", "title": "Wire AJAX Call into a jQuery Click Event", "dashedName": "waypoint-wire-ajax-call-into-a-jquery-click-event", "difficulty": 3.24, "description": [ "" ], "tests": [ ], "challengeSeed": [ "fccss", " var random = function() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 3) }", " $(document).ready(function() {", "", " $(\"#cat-button\").on(\"click\", function() {", " $.getJSON(\"/json/cats.json\", function( json ) {", " var kitten = json[random()];", " $(\"\").appendTo(\"#output\");", " $(\"

Code name: \" + kitten.codeNames[random()] + \"

\").appendTo(\"#output\");", " });", " });", "", " });", "fcces", "
", " ", "
", "
", "
" ], "challengeType": 0, "type": "waypoint" } ] }