import { donateUrl } from '../common/utils/constantStrings.json'; var main = window.main || {}; = || function() {}; $(document).ready(function() { const { Observable } = window.Rx; var CSRF_HEADER = 'X-CSRF-Token'; var setCSRFToken = function(securityToken) { jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function(options, _, xhr) { if (!xhr.crossDomain) { xhr.setRequestHeader(CSRF_HEADER, securityToken); } }); }; setCSRFToken($('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr('content')); $('img').on('error', function() { $(this) .unbind('error') .attr( 'src', '' ); }); $.each($('.sr-only'), function(i, span) { if ($(span).text() === ' Complete') { $(span).parents('p').addClass('manip-hidden'); } }); function addAlert(message = '', type = 'alert-info') { return $('.flashMessage').append($(`
`)); } function toggleNightMode() { if (!main.userId) { return addAlert('You must be logged in to use our themes.'); } const iframe$ = document.getElementById('map-aside-frame'); const body$ = $('body'); if (iframe$) { iframe$.src = iframe$.src; } body$.hide(); let updateThemeTo; if (body$.hasClass('night')) { body$.removeClass('night'); updateThemeTo = 'default'; } else { body$.addClass('night'); updateThemeTo = 'night'; } body$.fadeIn('100'); const options = { url: `/api/users/${main.userId}/update-theme`, type: 'POST', data: { theme: updateThemeTo }, dataType: 'json' }; return $.ajax(options) .done(() => console.log('theme updated successfully')) .fail(err => { let message; try { message = JSON.parse(err.responseText).error.message; } catch (error) { return null; } if (!message) { return null; } return addAlert(message); }); } Observable.merge( Observable.fromEvent($('#night-mode'), 'click'), Observable.create(observer => { window.Mousetrap.bind('g t n', () => observer.onNext()); }) ) .debounce(500) .subscribe(toggleNightMode, err => console.error(err)); // Hot Keys window.Mousetrap.bind('g n n', () => { // Next Challenge window.location = '/challenges/next-challenge'; }); window.Mousetrap.bind('g n m', () => { // Map window.location = '/map'; }); window.Mousetrap.bind('g n a', () => { // About window.location = '/about'; }); window.Mousetrap.bind('g n d', () => { // Donate window.location = donateUrl; }); window.Mousetrap.bind('g n o', () => { // Settings window.location = '/settings'; }); window.Mousetrap.bind('g n r', () => { // Repo window.location = ''; }); (function getFlyer() { const flyerKey = '__flyerId__'; $.ajax({ url: '/api/flyers/findOne', method: 'GET', dataType: 'JSON', data: { filter: { order: 'id DESC' } } }) // log error .fail(err => console.error(err)) .done(flyer => { const lastFlyerId = localStorage.getItem(flyerKey); if ( !flyer || !flyer.isActive || lastFlyerId === ) { return; } $('#dismiss-bill').on('click', () => { localStorage.setItem(flyerKey,; }); $('#bill-content').html(flyer.message); $('#bill-board').fadeIn(); }); }()); });