/* eslint-disable no-loop-func */ const path = require('path'); const liveServer = require('live-server'); const stringSimilarity = require('string-similarity'); const { isAuditedCert } = require('../../utils/is-audited'); const spinner = require('ora')(); const clientPath = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../client'); require('@babel/polyfill'); require('@babel/register')({ root: clientPath, babelrc: false, presets: ['@babel/preset-env'], plugins: ['dynamic-import-node'], ignore: [/node_modules/], only: [clientPath] }); const createPseudoWorker = require('./utils/pseudo-worker'); const { default: createWorker } = require('../../client/src/templates/Challenges/utils/worker-executor'); const { assert, AssertionError } = require('chai'); const Mocha = require('mocha'); const { flatten, isEmpty, cloneDeep } = require('lodash'); const { getLines } = require('../../utils/get-lines'); const jsdom = require('jsdom'); const vm = require('vm'); const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); const { getChallengesForLang, getMetaForBlock, getTranslatableComments } = require('../getChallenges'); const MongoIds = require('./utils/mongoIds'); const ChallengeTitles = require('./utils/challengeTitles'); const { challengeSchemaValidator } = require('../schema/challengeSchema'); const { challengeTypes, helpCategory } = require('../../client/utils/challengeTypes'); const { dasherize } = require('../../utils/slugs'); const { toSortedArray } = require('../../utils/sort-files'); const { testedLang } = require('../utils'); const { buildDOMChallenge, buildJSChallenge } = require('../../client/src/templates/Challenges/utils/build'); const { sortChallenges } = require('./utils/sort-challenges'); const TRANSLATABLE_COMMENTS = getTranslatableComments( path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'dictionaries') ); const testEvaluator = require('../../client/config/test-evaluator').filename; const commentExtractors = { html: require('./utils/extract-html-comments'), js: require('./utils/extract-js-comments'), jsx: require('./utils/extract-jsx-comments'), css: require('./utils/extract-css-comments') }; // rethrow unhandled rejections to make sure the tests exit with -1 process.on('unhandledRejection', err => handleRejection(err)); const handleRejection = err => { // setting the error code because node does not (yet) exit with a non-zero // code on unhandled exceptions. process.exitCode = 1; cleanup(); if (process.env.FULL_OUTPUT === 'true') { // some errors *may* not be reported, since cleanup is triggered by the // first error and that starts shutting down the browser and the server. console.error(err); } else { throw err; } }; const dom = new jsdom.JSDOM(''); global.document = dom.window.document; const oldRunnerFail = Mocha.Runner.prototype.fail; Mocha.Runner.prototype.fail = function(test, err) { if (err instanceof AssertionError) { const errMessage = String(err.message || ''); const assertIndex = errMessage.indexOf(': expected'); if (assertIndex !== -1) { err.message = errMessage.slice(0, assertIndex); } // Don't show stacktrace for assertion errors. if (err.stack) { delete err.stack; } } return oldRunnerFail.call(this, test, err); }; async function newPageContext(browser) { const page = await browser.newPage(); // it's needed for workers as context. await page.goto(''); return page; } spinner.start(); spinner.text = 'Populate tests.'; let browser; let page; setup() .then(runTests) .catch(err => handleRejection(err)); async function setup() { if (process.env.npm_config_superblock && process.env.npm_config_block) { throw new Error(`Please do not use both a block and superblock as input.`); } // liveServer starts synchronously liveServer.start({ host: '', port: '8080', root: path.resolve(__dirname, 'stubs'), mount: [['/js', path.join(clientPath, 'static/js')]], open: false, logLevel: 0 }); browser = await puppeteer.launch({ args: [ // Required for Docker version of Puppeteer '--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid-sandbox', // This will write shared memory files into /tmp instead of /dev/shm, // because Docker’s default for /dev/shm is 64MB '--disable-dev-shm-usage' // dumpio: true ] }); global.Worker = createPseudoWorker(await newPageContext(browser)); page = await newPageContext(browser); await page.setViewport({ width: 300, height: 150 }); const lang = testedLang(); let challenges = await getChallenges(lang); // the next few statements create a list of all blocks and superblocks // as they appear in the list of challenges const blocks = challenges.map(({ block }) => block); const superBlocks = challenges.map(({ superBlock }) => superBlock); const targetBlockStrings = [...new Set(blocks)]; const targetSuperBlockStrings = [...new Set(superBlocks)]; // the next few statements will filter challenges based on command variables if (process.env.npm_config_superblock) { const filter = stringSimilarity.findBestMatch( process.env.npm_config_superblock, targetSuperBlockStrings ).bestMatch.target; console.log(`\nsuperBlock being tested: ${filter}`); challenges = challenges.filter( challenge => challenge.superBlock === filter ); if (!challenges.length) { throw new Error(`No challenges found with superBlock "${filter}"`); } } if (process.env.npm_config_block) { const filter = stringSimilarity.findBestMatch( process.env.npm_config_block, targetBlockStrings ).bestMatch.target; console.log(`\nblock being tested: ${filter}`); challenges = challenges.filter(challenge => challenge.block === filter); if (!challenges.length) { throw new Error(`No challenges found with block "${filter}"`); } } const meta = {}; for (const challenge of challenges) { const dashedBlockName = dasherize(challenge.block); if (!meta[dashedBlockName]) { meta[dashedBlockName] = (await getMetaForBlock( dashedBlockName )).challengeOrder; } } return { meta, challenges, lang }; } // cleanup calls some async functions, but it's the last thing that happens, so // no need to await anything. function cleanup() { if (browser) { browser.close(); } liveServer.shutdown(); spinner.stop(); } function runTests(challengeData) { describe('Check challenges', function() { after(function() { cleanup(); }); populateTestsForLang(challengeData); }); spinner.text = 'Testing'; run(); } async function getChallenges(lang) { const challenges = await getChallengesForLang(lang).then(curriculum => Object.keys(curriculum) .map(key => curriculum[key].blocks) .reduce((challengeArray, superBlock) => { const challengesForBlock = Object.keys(superBlock).map( key => superBlock[key].challenges ); return [...challengeArray, ...flatten(challengesForBlock)]; }, []) ); // This matches the order Gatsby uses (via a GraphQL query). Ideally both // should be sourced and sorted using a single query, but we're not there yet. return sortChallenges(challenges); } function validateBlock(challenge) { const dashedBlock = dasherize(challenge.block); if (!helpCategory.hasOwnProperty(dashedBlock)) { return `'${dashedBlock}' block not found as a helpCategory in client/utils/challengeTypes.js file for the '${challenge.title}' challenge`; } else { return null; } } function populateTestsForLang({ lang, challenges, meta }) { const mongoIds = new MongoIds(); const challengeTitles = new ChallengeTitles(); const validateChallenge = challengeSchemaValidator(); describe(`Check challenges (${lang})`, function() { this.timeout(5000); challenges.forEach((challenge, id) => { const dashedBlockName = dasherize(challenge.block); describe(challenge.block || 'No block', function() { describe(challenge.title || 'No title', function() { // Note: the title in meta.json are purely for human readability and // do not include translations, so we do not validate against them. it('Matches an ID in meta.json', function() { const index = meta[dashedBlockName].findIndex( arr => arr[0] === challenge.id ); if (index < 0) { throw new AssertionError( `Cannot find ID "${challenge.id}" in meta.json file` ); } }); it('Common checks', function() { const result = validateChallenge(challenge); const invalidBlock = validateBlock(challenge); if (result.error) { throw new AssertionError(result.error); } if (challenge.challengeType !== 7 && invalidBlock) { throw new Error(invalidBlock); } const { id, title, block, dashedName } = challenge; const dashedBlock = dasherize(block); const pathAndTitle = `${dashedBlock}/${dashedName}`; mongoIds.check(id, title); challengeTitles.check(title, pathAndTitle); }); it('Has replaced all the English comments', () => { // special cases are where this process breaks for some reason, but // we have validated that the challenge gets parsed correctly. const specialCases = [ '587d7b84367417b2b2512b36', '587d7b84367417b2b2512b37', '587d7db0367417b2b2512b82', '587d7dbe367417b2b2512bb8', '5a24c314108439a4d4036161', '5a24c314108439a4d4036154', '5a94fe0569fb03452672e45c', '5a94fe7769fb03452672e463', '5a24c314108439a4d4036148' ]; if (specialCases.includes(challenge.id)) return; if ( lang === 'english' || !isAuditedCert(lang, challenge.superBlock) ) { return; } // If no .files, then no seed: if (!challenge.files) return; // - None of the translatable comments should appear in the // translations. While this is a crude check, no challenges // currently have the text of a comment elsewhere. If that happens // we can handle that challenge separately. TRANSLATABLE_COMMENTS.forEach(comment => { Object.values(challenge.files).forEach(file => { if (file.contents.includes(comment)) throw Error( `English comment '${comment}' should be replaced with its translation` ); }); }); // - None of the translated comment texts should appear *outside* a // comment Object.values(challenge.files).forEach(file => { let comments = {}; // We get all the actual comments using the appropriate parsers if (file.ext === 'html') { const commentTypes = ['css', 'html']; for (let type of commentTypes) { const newComments = commentExtractors[type](file.contents); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(newComments)) { comments[key] = comments[key] ? comments[key] + value : value; } } } else { comments = commentExtractors[file.ext](file.contents); } // Then we compare the number of times a given comment appears // (count) with the number of times the text within it appears // (commentTextCount) for (const [comment, count] of Object.entries(comments)) { const commentTextCount = file.contents.split(comment).length - 1; if (commentTextCount !== count) throw Error( `Translated comment text, ${comment}, should only appear inside comments` ); } }); }); const { challengeType } = challenge; if ( challengeType !== challengeTypes.html && challengeType !== challengeTypes.js && challengeType !== challengeTypes.bonfire && challengeType !== challengeTypes.modern && challengeType !== challengeTypes.backend ) { return; } let { tests = [] } = challenge; tests = tests.filter(test => !!test.testString); if (tests.length === 0) { it('Check tests. No tests.'); return; } describe('Check tests syntax', function() { tests.forEach(test => { it(`Check for: ${test.text}`, function() { assert.doesNotThrow(() => new vm.Script(test.testString)); }); }); }); if (challengeType === challengeTypes.backend) { it('Check tests is not implemented.'); return; } const buildChallenge = challengeType === challengeTypes.js || challengeType === challengeTypes.bonfire ? buildJSChallenge : buildDOMChallenge; it('Test suite must fail on the initial contents', async function() { this.timeout(5000 * tests.length + 1000); // suppress errors in the console. const oldConsoleError = console.error; console.error = () => {}; let fails = false; let testRunner; try { testRunner = await createTestRunner( challenge, '', buildChallenge ); } catch { fails = true; } if (!fails) { for (const test of tests) { try { await testRunner(test); } catch (e) { fails = true; break; } } } console.error = oldConsoleError; assert(fails, 'Test suit does not fail on the initial contents'); }); let { solutions = [] } = challenge; // if there's an empty string as solution, this is likely a mistake // TODO: what does this look like now? (this being detection of empty // lines in solutions - rather than entirely missing solutions) // We need to track where the solution came from to give better // feedback if the solution is failing. let solutionFromNext = false; if (isEmpty(solutions)) { // if there are no solutions in the challenge, it's assumed the next // challenge's seed will be a solution to the current challenge. // This is expected to happen in the project based curriculum. const nextChallenge = challenges[id + 1]; // TODO: can this be dried out, ideally by removing the redux // handler? if (nextChallenge) { const solutionFiles = cloneDeep(nextChallenge.files); Object.keys(solutionFiles).forEach(key => { const file = solutionFiles[key]; file.editableContents = getLines( file.contents, challenge.files[key].editableRegionBoundaries ); }); solutions = [solutionFiles]; solutionFromNext = true; } else { throw Error('solution omitted'); } } // TODO: the no-solution filtering is a little convoluted: const noSolution = new RegExp('// solution required'); const solutionsAsArrays = solutions.map(toSortedArray); const filteredSolutions = solutionsAsArrays.filter(solution => { return !isEmpty( solution.filter(file => !noSolution.test(file.contents)) ); }); if (isEmpty(filteredSolutions)) { it('Check tests. No solutions'); return; } describe('Check tests against solutions', function() { solutions.forEach((solution, index) => { it(`Solution ${index + 1} must pass the tests`, async function() { this.timeout(5000 * tests.length + 1000); const testRunner = await createTestRunner( challenge, solution, buildChallenge, solutionFromNext ); for (const test of tests) { await testRunner(test); } }); }); }); }); }); }); }); } async function createTestRunner( challenge, solution, buildChallenge, solutionFromNext ) { const { required = [], template } = challenge; // we should avoid modifying challenge, as it gets reused: const files = cloneDeep(challenge.files); Object.keys(solution).forEach(key => { files[key].contents = solution[key].contents; files[key].editableContents = solution[key].editableContents; }); const { build, sources, loadEnzyme } = await buildChallenge({ files, required, template }); const code = { contents: sources.index, editableContents: sources.editableContents }; const evaluator = await (buildChallenge === buildDOMChallenge ? getContextEvaluator(build, sources, code, loadEnzyme) : getWorkerEvaluator(build, sources, code)); return async ({ text, testString }) => { try { const { pass, err } = await evaluator.evaluate(testString, 5000); if (!pass) { throw new AssertionError(err.message); } } catch (err) { text = 'Test text: ' + text; const message = solutionFromNext ? 'Check next step for solution!\n' + text : text; reThrow(err, message); } }; } async function getContextEvaluator(build, sources, code, loadEnzyme) { await initializeTestRunner(build, sources, code, loadEnzyme); return { evaluate: async (testString, timeout) => Promise.race([ new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject('timeout'), timeout) ), await page.evaluate(async testString => { return await document.__runTest(testString); }, testString) ]) }; } async function getWorkerEvaluator(build, sources, code) { const testWorker = createWorker(testEvaluator, { terminateWorker: true }); return { evaluate: async (testString, timeout) => await testWorker.execute({ testString, build, code, sources }, timeout) .done }; } async function initializeTestRunner(build, sources, code, loadEnzyme) { await page.reload(); await page.setContent(build); await page.evaluate( async (code, sources, loadEnzyme) => { const getUserInput = fileName => sources[fileName]; await document.__initTestFrame({ code, getUserInput, loadEnzyme }); }, code, sources, loadEnzyme ); } function reThrow(err, text) { const newMessage = `${text} ${err.message}`; if (err.name === 'AssertionError') { throw new AssertionError(newMessage); } else { throw Error(newMessage); } }