--- title: Python Resources --- ## Tutorials * Python Official Tutorials * The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python * Google Python Class * Learn Python the Hard Way * Think Python * Learn Python in X minutes * Learn Python 3 in X minutes * Dive into Python 3 * Full Stack Python * Automate the Boring Stuff with Python * Python REPL in Browser * Visual Python Code Walkthrough * Codecademy Python * How to Think Like a Computer Scientist - Interactive textbook that teaches programming with Python * Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python (MIT) * CS for All: Introduction to Computer Science & Python Programming * Learning Python - Free ebook * New Coder - Tutorials/challenges to take you from newbie to actual coder. * Invent with Python (plus two other books by the Automate the Boring Stuff guy) * Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python * Python Design Patterns * Django Getting Started Tutorial * Test-Driven Development with Python * Tango with Django * Django Girls' Tutorial - Build a blog * TaskBuster Django Tutorial - Build a Django project from scratch * Derek Banas' Learn Python In One Video * pythonprogramming.net Python Baics * thenewboston Python 3.4 Programming Tutorials * Tutorials Point - Python * Set of Starter Projects with Videos - From the basics onward. * The Flask Mega Tutorial (Miguel Grinberg) * The Complete Python 3 Course: Beginner to Advanced! ## Challenges * Python Koans * Exercism Python Challenges * CodingBat Python Challenges * Learn Python Interactively * Project Euler * Rosalind Python Bio-informatics Problems * Python Elevator Challenge * CoderByte Challenges * CheckiO - the game for coders * CodeAbbey * HackerRank - Python Challenges * CodeSignal - Prepare for interviews & further your programming skills * CodeWars * CodeChef * Hackerrank ## Community * Awesome Python * /r/Python * /r/LearnPython * Planet Python * PyLadies * DjangoGirls * Python-forum.io ## Tools: * PyCharm Edu - a free educational version of PyCharm that comes with tutorials to teach you Python and the ability to download more.