--- title: Largest palindrome product localeTitle: 最大的回文产品 --- ## 问题4:最大的回文产品 ### 方法: * 回文数字是反转时读取的数字。 * 从两位3位数的乘积得到的最大数字是`999 * 999` ,所以我们可以制作一个循环,从产生最大数字开始,并检查该数字是否是回文。 ### 解: ```js function largestPalindromeProduct(n) { //To get the maximum n digit number, + operator type castes String to Number type let max = +[...Array(n)].reduce((a, c) => a+=9, ""); //Next we get minimum n digit number from the max let min = (max+1)/10; //To store the result let res = []; //Starting the loop from max to min for (let i = max; i >= min; i--){ //Another loop for (let j = max; j >= min; j--){ //Getting the product let num = i*j; //Reversing the number let numReverse = [...String(num)].reverse().join(''); //Checking for palindromic number if (num == numReverse) { //Pushing the number into array and breaking the loop for efficiency res.push(num); break; } } } // Returning the maximum of the result array return Math.max(...res); } ``` * [运行代码](https://repl.it/@ezioda004/Problem-4-Largest-palindrome-product) ### 参考文献: * [维基百科](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palindromic_number)