const { dasherize } = require('..'); const path = require('path'); const { viewTypes } = require('../challengeTypes'); const backend = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../src/templates/Challenges/backend/Show.js' ); const classic = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../src/templates/Challenges/classic/Show.js' ); const project = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../src/templates/Challenges/project/Show.js' ); const intro = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../src/templates/Introduction/Intro.js' ); const superBlockIntro = path.resolve( __dirname, '../../src/templates/Introduction/SuperBlockIntro.js' ); const views = { backend, classic, modern: classic, project // quiz: Quiz }; const getNextChallengePath = (node, index, nodeArray) => { const next = nodeArray[index + 1]; return next ? next.node.fields.slug : '/'; }; const getTemplateComponent = challengeType => views[viewTypes[challengeType]]; const getIntroIfRequired = (node, index, nodeArray) => { const next = nodeArray[index + 1]; const isEndOfBlock = next && next.node.suborder === 1; let nextSuperBlock = ''; let nextBlock = ''; if (next) { const { superBlock, block } = next.node; nextSuperBlock = superBlock; nextBlock = block; } return isEndOfBlock ? `/${dasherize(nextSuperBlock)}/${dasherize(nextBlock)}` : ''; }; exports.createChallengePages = createPage => ({ node }, index, thisArray) => { const { fields: { slug }, required = [], template, challengeType, id } = node; if (challengeType === 7) { return; } createPage({ path: slug, component: getTemplateComponent(challengeType), context: { challengeMeta: { introPath: getIntroIfRequired(node, index, thisArray), template, required, nextChallengePath: getNextChallengePath(node, index, thisArray), id }, slug } }); }; exports.createIntroPages = createPage => edge => { const { fields: { slug }, frontmatter: { superBlock, block } } = edge.node; // If there is no block specified in the markdown we assume the markdown is // for a superblock introduction. Otherwise create a block intro page. if (!block) { createPage({ path: slug, component: superBlockIntro, context: { superBlock: dasherize(superBlock), slug } }); } else { createPage({ path: slug, component: intro, context: { block: dasherize(block), slug } }); } };