var Rx = require('rx'), async = require('async'), moment = require('moment'), request = require('request'), debug = require('debug')('freecc:cntr:resources'), constantStrings = require('../utils/constantStrings.json'), labs = require('../resources/labs.json'), testimonials = require('../resources/testimonials.json'), secrets = require('../../config/secrets'); module.exports = function(app) { var router = app.loopback.Router(); var User = app.models.User; var Challenge = app.models.Challenge; var Story = app.models.Story; var Nonprofit = app.models.Nonprofit; router.get('/api/github', githubCalls); router.get('/api/blogger', bloggerCalls); router.get('/api/trello', trelloCalls); router.get('/sitemap.xml', sitemap); router.get('/chat', chat); router.get('/coding-bootcamp-cost-calculator', bootcampCalculator); router.get('/twitch', twitch); router.get('/pmi-acp-agile-project-managers', agileProjectManagers); router.get('/pmi-acp-agile-project-managers-form', agileProjectManagersForm); router.get('/nonprofits', nonprofits); router.get('/nonprofits-form', nonprofitsForm); router.get('/unsubscribe/:email', unsubscribe); router.get('/unsubscribed', unsubscribed); router.get('/get-started', getStarted); router.get('/submit-cat-photo', submitCatPhoto); router.get('/labs', showLabs); router.get('/stories', showTestimonials); router.get('/shop', showShop); router.get('/shop/cancel-stickers', cancelStickers); router.get('/shop/confirm-stickers', confirmStickers); router.get('/all-stories', showAllTestimonials); router.get('/terms', terms); router.get('/privacy', privacy); router.get('/code-of-conduct', codeOfConduct); router.get('/academic-honesty', academicHonesty); router.get( '/the-fastest-web-page-on-the-internet', theFastestWebPageOnTheInternet ); app.use(router); function sitemap(req, res, next) { var appUrl = ''; var now = moment(new Date()).format('YYYY-MM-DD'); // TODO(berks): refactor async to rx async.parallel({ users: function(callback) { User.find( { where: { username: { nlike: '' } }, fields: { username: true } }, function(err, users) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); callback(err); } else { Rx.Observable.from(users, null, null, Rx.Scheduler.default) .map(function(user) { return user.username; }) .toArray() .subscribe( function(usernames) { callback(null, usernames); }, callback ); } }); }, challenges: function(callback) { Challenge.find( { fields: { name: true } }, function(err, challenges) { if (err) { debug('Challenge err: ', err); callback(err); } else { Rx.Observable.from(challenges, null, null, Rx.Scheduler.default) .map(function(challenge) { return; }) .toArray() .subscribe( callback.bind(callback, null), callback ); } }); }, stories: function(callback) { Story.find( { field: { link: true } }, function(err, stories) { if (err) { debug('Story err: ', err); callback(err); } else { Rx.Observable.from(stories, null, null, Rx.Scheduler.default) .map(function(story) { return; }) .toArray() .subscribe( callback.bind(callback, null), callback ); } } ); }, nonprofits: function(callback) { Nonprofit.find( { field: { name: true } }, function(err, nonprofits) { if (err) { debug('User err: ', err); callback(err); } else { Rx.Observable.from(nonprofits, null, null, Rx.Scheduler.default) .map(function(nonprofit) { return; }) .toArray() .subscribe( callback.bind(callback, null), callback ); } }); } }, function(err, results) { if (err) { return next(err); } process.nextTick(function() { res.header('Content-Type', 'application/xml'); res.render('resources/sitemap', { appUrl: appUrl, now: now, users: results.users, challenges: results.challenges, stories: results.stories, nonprofits: results.nonprofits }); }); } ); } function chat(req, res) { res.redirect(''); } function showLabs(req, res) { res.render('resources/labs', { title: 'Projects Built by Free Code Camp Software Engineers', projects: labs }); } function terms(req, res) { res.render('resources/terms-of-service', { title: 'Terms of Service' }); } function privacy(req, res) { res.render('resources/privacy', { title: 'Privacy policy' }); } function codeOfConduct(req, res) { res.render('resources/code-of-conduct', { title: 'Code of Conduct' }); } function academicHonesty(req, res) { res.render('resources/academic-honesty', { title: 'Academic Honesty policy' }); } function theFastestWebPageOnTheInternet(req, res) { res.render('resources/the-fastest-web-page-on-the-internet', { title: 'This is the fastest web page on the internet' }); } function showTestimonials(req, res) { res.render('resources/stories', { title: 'Testimonials from Happy Free Code Camp Students ' + 'who got Software Engineer Jobs', stories: testimonials.slice(0, 72), moreStories: true }); } function showAllTestimonials(req, res) { res.render('resources/stories', { title: 'Testimonials from Happy Free Code Camp Students ' + 'who got Software Engineer Jobs', stories: testimonials, moreStories: false }); } function showShop(req, res) { res.render('resources/shop', { title: 'Support Free Code Camp by Buying t-shirts, ' + 'stickers, and other goodies' }); } function confirmStickers(req, res) { req.flash('success', { msg: 'Thank you for supporting our community! You should receive your stickers in the ' + 'mail soon!'}); res.redirect('/shop'); } function cancelStickers(req, res) { req.flash('info', { msg: 'You\'ve cancelled your purchase of our stickers. You can ' + 'support our community any time by buying some.'}); res.redirect('/shop'); } function submitCatPhoto(req, res) { res.send('Submitted!'); } function bootcampCalculator(req, res) { res.render('resources/calculator', { title: 'Coding Bootcamp Cost Calculator' }); } function nonprofits(req, res) { res.render('resources/nonprofits', { title: 'Your Nonprofit Can Get Pro Bono Code' }); } function nonprofitsForm(req, res) { res.render('resources/nonprofits-form', { title: 'Nonprofit Projects Proposal Form' }); } function agileProjectManagers(req, res) { res.render('resources/pmi-acp-agile-project-managers', { title: 'Get Agile Project Management Experience for the PMI-ACP' }); } function agileProjectManagersForm(req, res) { res.render('resources/pmi-acp-agile-project-managers-form', { title: 'Agile Project Management Program Application Form' }); } function twitch(req, res) { res.render('resources/twitch', { title: 'Watch us code on and' }); } function unsubscribe(req, res, next) { User.findOne({ where: { email: } }, function(err, user) { if (user) { if (err) { return next(err); } user.sendMonthlyEmail = false; { if (err) { return next(err); } res.redirect('/unsubscribed'); }); } else { res.redirect('/unsubscribed'); } }); } function unsubscribed(req, res) { res.render('resources/unsubscribed', { title: 'You have been unsubscribed' }); } function getStarted(req, res) { res.render('resources/get-started', { title: 'How to get started with Free Code Camp' }); } function githubCalls(req, res, next) { var githubHeaders = { headers: { 'User-Agent': constantStrings.gitHubUserAgent }, port: 80 }; request( [ '', 'freecodecamp/pulls?client_id=', secrets.github.clientID, '&client_secret=', secrets.github.clientSecret ].join(''), githubHeaders, function(err, status1, pulls) { if (err) { return next(err); } pulls = pulls ? Object.keys(JSON.parse(pulls)).length : 'Can\'t connect to github'; request( [ '', 'freecodecamp/issues?client_id=', secrets.github.clientID, '&client_secret=', secrets.github.clientSecret ].join(''), githubHeaders, function(err, status2, issues) { if (err) { return next(err); } issues = ((pulls === parseInt(pulls, 10)) && issues) ? Object.keys(JSON.parse(issues)).length - pulls : "Can't connect to GitHub"; res.send({ issues: issues, pulls: pulls }); } ); } ); } function trelloCalls(req, res, next) { request( '' + secrets.trello.key, function(err, status, trello) { if (err) { return next(err); } trello = (status && status.statusCode === 200) ? (JSON.parse(trello)) : 'Can\'t connect to to Trello'; res.end(JSON.stringify(trello)); }); } function bloggerCalls(req, res, next) { request( '' + 'posts?key=' + secrets.blogger.key, function(err, status, blog) { if (err) { return next(err); } blog = (status && status.statusCode === 200) ? JSON.parse(blog) : 'Can\'t connect to Blogger'; res.end(JSON.stringify(blog)); } ); } };