/* global describe it expect beforeEach */ const mockAST = require('./fixtures/challenge-md-ast.json'); const testsToData = require('./tests-to-data'); describe('tests-to-data plugin', () => { const plugin = testsToData(); let file = { data: {} }; beforeEach(() => { file = { data: {} }; }); it('returns a function', () => { expect(typeof plugin).toEqual('function'); }); it('adds a `tests` property to `file.data`', () => { plugin(mockAST, file); expect('tests' in file.data).toBe(true); }); it('adds test objects to the tests array following a schema', () => { expect.assertions(3); plugin(mockAST, file); const testObject = file.data.tests[0]; expect(Object.keys(testObject).length).toBe(2); expect(testObject).toHaveProperty('testString'); expect(testObject).toHaveProperty('text'); }); it('should have an output to match the snapshot', () => { plugin(mockAST, file); expect(file.data).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });