import _ from 'lodash'; import debug from 'debug'; import accepts from 'accepts'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import { ifNoUserSend } from '../utils/middleware'; import { getChallengeById, cachedMap } from '../utils/map'; const log = debug('fcc:boot:challenges'); function buildUserUpdate( user, challengeId, completedChallenge, timezone ) { let finalChallenge; let numOfAttempts = 1; const updateData = { $set: {} }; const { timezone: userTimezone, challengeMap = {} } = user; const oldChallenge = challengeMap[challengeId]; const alreadyCompleted = !!oldChallenge; if (alreadyCompleted) { // add data from old challenge if (oldChallenge.numOfAttempts) { numOfAttempts = oldChallenge.numOfAttempts + 1; } finalChallenge = { ...completedChallenge, completedDate: oldChallenge.completedDate, lastUpdated: completedChallenge.completedDate, numOfAttempts }; } else { updateData.$push = { progressTimestamps: { timestamp:, completedChallenge: challengeId } }; finalChallenge = { ...completedChallenge, numOfAttempts }; } updateData.$set = { [`challengeMap.${challengeId}`]: finalChallenge }; if ( timezone && timezone !== 'UTC' && (!userTimezone || userTimezone === 'UTC') ) { updateData.$set = { ...updateData.$set, timezone: userTimezone }; } log('user update data', updateData); return { alreadyCompleted, updateData, completedDate: finalChallenge.completedDate, lastUpdated: finalChallenge.lastUpdated }; } export default function(app) { const send200toNonUser = ifNoUserSend(true); const api = app.loopback.Router(); const router = app.loopback.Router(); const map = cachedMap(app.models); '/modern-challenge-completed', send200toNonUser, modernChallengeCompleted ); // deprecate endpoint // remove once new endpoint is live '/completed-challenge', send200toNonUser, completedChallenge ); '/challenge-completed', send200toNonUser, completedChallenge ); // deprecate endpoint // remove once new endpoint is live '/completed-zipline-or-basejump', send200toNonUser, projectCompleted ); '/project-completed', send200toNonUser, projectCompleted ); '/backend-challenge-completed', send200toNonUser, backendChallengeCompleted ); router.get( '/challenges/current-challenge', redirectToCurrentChallenge ); app.use(api); app.use('/:lang', router); function modernChallengeCompleted(req, res, next) { const type = accepts(req).type('html', 'json', 'text'); req.checkBody('id', 'id must be an ObjectId').isMongoId(); req.checkBody('files', 'files must be an object with polyvinyls for keys') .isFiles(); const errors = req.validationErrors(true); if (errors) { if (type === 'json') { return res.status(403).send({ errors }); } log('errors', errors); return res.sendStatus(403); } const user = req.user; return user.getChallengeMap$() .flatMap(() => { const completedDate =; const { id, files } = req.body; const { alreadyCompleted, updateData, lastUpdated } = buildUserUpdate( user, id, { id, files, completedDate } ); const points = alreadyCompleted ? user.points : user.points + 1; return user.update$(updateData) .doOnNext(({ count }) => log('%s documents updated', count)) .map(() => { if (type === 'json') { return res.json({ points, alreadyCompleted, completedDate, lastUpdated }); } return res.sendStatus(200); }); }) .subscribe(() => {}, next); } function completedChallenge(req, res, next) { req.checkBody('id', 'id must be an ObjectId').isMongoId(); const type = accepts(req).type('html', 'json', 'text'); const errors = req.validationErrors(true); if (errors) { if (type === 'json') { return res.status(403).send({ errors }); } log('errors', errors); return res.sendStatus(403); } return req.user.getChallengeMap$() .flatMap(() => { const completedDate =; const { id, solution, timezone } = req.body; const { alreadyCompleted, updateData, lastUpdated } = buildUserUpdate( req.user, id, { id, solution, completedDate }, timezone ); const user = req.user; const points = alreadyCompleted ? user.points : user.points + 1; return user.update$(updateData) .doOnNext(({ count }) => log('%s documents updated', count)) .map(() => { if (type === 'json') { return res.json({ points, alreadyCompleted, completedDate, lastUpdated }); } return res.sendStatus(200); }); }) .subscribe(() => {}, next); } function projectCompleted(req, res, next) { const type = accepts(req).type('html', 'json', 'text'); req.checkBody('id', 'id must be an ObjectId').isMongoId(); req.checkBody('challengeType', 'must be a number').isNumber(); req.checkBody('solution', 'solution must be a URL').isURL(); const errors = req.validationErrors(true); if (errors) { if (type === 'json') { return res.status(403).send({ errors }); } log('errors', errors); return res.sendStatus(403); } const { user, body = {} } = req; const completedChallenge = _.pick( body, [ 'id', 'solution', 'githubLink', 'challengeType' ] ); completedChallenge.completedDate =; if ( !completedChallenge.solution || // only basejumps require github links ( completedChallenge.challengeType === 4 && !completedChallenge.githubLink ) ) { req.flash( 'danger', 'You haven\'t supplied the necessary URLs for us to inspect your work.' ); return res.sendStatus(403); } return user.getChallengeMap$() .flatMap(() => { const { alreadyCompleted, updateData, lastUpdated } = buildUserUpdate(user,, completedChallenge); return user.update$(updateData) .doOnNext(({ count }) => log('%s documents updated', count)) .doOnNext(() => { if (type === 'json') { return res.send({ alreadyCompleted, points: alreadyCompleted ? user.points : user.points + 1, completedDate: completedChallenge.completedDate, lastUpdated }); } return res.status(200).send(true); }); }) .subscribe(() => {}, next); } function backendChallengeCompleted(req, res, next) { const type = accepts(req).type('html', 'json', 'text'); req.checkBody('id', 'id must be an ObjectId').isMongoId(); req.checkBody('solution', 'solution must be a URL').isURL(); const errors = req.validationErrors(true); if (errors) { if (type === 'json') { return res.status(403).send({ errors }); } log('errors', errors); return res.sendStatus(403); } const { user, body = {} } = req; const completedChallenge = _.pick( body, [ 'id', 'solution' ] ); completedChallenge.completedDate =; return user.getChallengeMap$() .flatMap(() => { const { alreadyCompleted, updateData, lastUpdated } = buildUserUpdate(user,, completedChallenge); return user.update$(updateData) .doOnNext(({ count }) => log('%s documents updated', count)) .doOnNext(() => { if (type === 'json') { return res.send({ alreadyCompleted, points: alreadyCompleted ? user.points : user.points + 1, completedDate: completedChallenge.completedDate, lastUpdated }); } return res.status(200).send(true); }); }) .subscribe(() => {}, next); } function redirectToCurrentChallenge(req, res, next) { const { user } = req; const challengeId = user && user.currentChallengeId; return getChallengeById(map, challengeId) .map(challenge => { const { block, dashedName } = challenge; if (!dashedName || !block) { // this should normally not be hit if database is properly seeded throw new Error(dedent` Attempted to find '${dashedName}' from '${ challengeId || 'no challenge id found'}' but came up empty. db may not be properly seeded. `); } return `/challenges/${block}/${dashedName}`; }) .subscribe( redirect => res.redirect(redirect || '/'), next ); } }