--- title: Creating a Web Server inside Docker --- # Creating a Web Server inside Docker ### Start docker and it’s container - ``` $ systemctl restart docker $ systemctl enable docker $ docker run -it --name webserver centos:latest ``` ### Install httpd - **yum** is already configured in centos docker image. So directly install **httpd** software - `$ yum install httpd -y` - Create a dummy web page to check the server - ``` $ cd /var/www/html $ vi index.html ``` ### Start services - - If we use **systemctl** to start the services, this will not work and gives an error. - **systemctl** doesn't work in docker. - In actual RedHat system, when we start a service it actually runs a script in background. That script start daemons. - To find the path of that script, check status of service `$ systemctl status httpd` `Loaded` option shows script file path. - In that file, we have a line which actually starts service - `ExecStart = /usr/sbin/httpd....... ` So the command `/usr/sbin/httpd` actually starts **httpd** server. - Service is running or not, can be checked by - `$ ps -aux | grep httpd` - So we don't require `systemctl` we can directly start our web server using- `$ /usr/sbin/httpd` This will start the web server. - `ifconfig` doesn't work in docker. - So install software, which gives `ifconfig` command. - It can be checked in actual Redhat system by running this command- `$ rpm -qf /usr/sbin/ifconfig` - This comes from **net-tools** package. - So Install **net-tools** in docker os. - Making _image_ of created web server - `$ docker commit webserver apacheimg:v1` - Name of container is _webserver_. - This image can be share with exact setup with other users. - To save created image - `$ docker save apacheimg:v1 -o mywebserver.tar` - To start **httpd** service automatically when container starts - - Write `/usr/sbin/httpd` in following file. `$ vim /root/.bashrc` - To copy a file in container from the base system - `$ docker cp /root/form.txt myconatiner:/` ## Summary Summary of all the commands - ``` $ docker run -it --name webserver centos:latest $ yum install httpd -y $ rpm -q httpd $ cd /var/www/html $ vi index.html // write some web content $ /usr/sbin/httpd $ yum install net-tool $ ifconfig ```