import _ from 'lodash'; import loopback from 'loopback'; import path from 'path'; import dedent from 'dedent'; import { Observable } from 'rx'; import debug from 'debug'; import { isEmail } from 'validator'; import format from 'date-fns/format'; import { ifNoUser401 } from '../utils/middleware'; import { observeQuery } from '../utils/rx'; import { legacyFrontEndChallengeId, legacyBackEndChallengeId, legacyDataVisId, respWebDesignId, frontEndLibsId, jsAlgoDataStructId, dataVis2018Id, apisMicroservicesId, infosecQaId, fullStackId } from '../utils/constantStrings.json'; import certTypes from '../utils/certTypes.json'; import superBlockCertTypeMap from '../utils/superBlockCertTypeMap'; import { completeCommitment$ } from '../utils/commit'; const log = debug('fcc:certification'); export default function bootCertificate(app) { const api = app.loopback.Router(); const certTypeIds = createCertTypeIds(app); const showCert = createShowCert(app); const verifyCert = createVerifyCert(certTypeIds, app); api.put('/certificate/verify', ifNoUser401, ifNoSuperBlock404, verifyCert); api.get('/certificate/showCert/:username/:cert', showCert); app.use(api); } const noNameMessage = dedent` We need your name so we can put it on your certification. Add your name to your account settings and click the save button. Then we can issue your certification. `; const notCertifiedMessage = name => dedent` It looks like you have not completed the necessary steps. Please complete the required projects to claim the ${name} Certification `; const alreadyClaimedMessage = name => dedent` It looks like you already have claimed the ${name} Certification `; const successMessage = (username, name) => dedent` @${username}, you have successfully claimed the ${name} Certification! Congratulations on behalf of the team! `; function ifNoSuperBlock404(req, res, next) { const { superBlock } = req.body; if (superBlock && superBlocks.includes(superBlock)) { return next(); } return res.status(404).end(); } const renderCertifiedEmail = loopback.template( path.join(__dirname, '..', 'views', 'emails', 'certified.ejs') ); function createCertTypeIds(app) { const { Challenge } = app.models; return { // legacy [certTypes.frontEnd]: getIdsForCert$(legacyFrontEndChallengeId, Challenge), [certTypes.backEnd]: getIdsForCert$(legacyBackEndChallengeId, Challenge), [certTypes.dataVis]: getIdsForCert$(legacyDataVisId, Challenge), // modern [certTypes.respWebDesign]: getIdsForCert$(respWebDesignId, Challenge), [certTypes.frontEndLibs]: getIdsForCert$(frontEndLibsId, Challenge), [certTypes.dataVis2018]: getIdsForCert$(dataVis2018Id, Challenge), [certTypes.jsAlgoDataStruct]: getIdsForCert$(jsAlgoDataStructId, Challenge), [certTypes.apisMicroservices]: getIdsForCert$( apisMicroservicesId, Challenge ), [certTypes.infosecQa]: getIdsForCert$(infosecQaId, Challenge), [certTypes.fullStack]: getIdsForCert$(fullStackId, Challenge) }; } function isCertified(ids, completedChallenges = []) { return _.every(ids, ({ id }) => _.find(completedChallenges, ({ id: completedId }) => completedId === id) ); } const certIds = { [certTypes.frontEnd]: legacyFrontEndChallengeId, [certTypes.backEnd]: legacyBackEndChallengeId, [certTypes.dataVis]: legacyDataVisId, [certTypes.respWebDesign]: respWebDesignId, [certTypes.frontEndLibs]: frontEndLibsId, [certTypes.jsAlgoDataStruct]: jsAlgoDataStructId, [certTypes.dataVis2018]: dataVis2018Id, [certTypes.apisMicroservices]: apisMicroservicesId, [certTypes.infosecQa]: infosecQaId, [certTypes.fullStack]: fullStackId }; const certText = { [certTypes.frontEnd]: 'Legacy Front End', [certTypes.backEnd]: 'Legacy Back End', [certTypes.dataVis]: 'Legacy Data Visualization', [certTypes.fullStack]: 'Full Stack', [certTypes.respWebDesign]: 'Responsive Web Design', [certTypes.frontEndLibs]: 'Front End Libraries', [certTypes.jsAlgoDataStruct]: 'JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures', [certTypes.dataVis2018]: 'Data Visualization', [certTypes.apisMicroservices]: 'APIs and Microservices', [certTypes.infosecQa]: 'Information Security and Quality Assurance' }; const completionHours = { [certTypes.frontEnd]: 400, [certTypes.backEnd]: 400, [certTypes.dataVis]: 400, [certTypes.fullStack]: 1800, [certTypes.respWebDesign]: 300, [certTypes.frontEndLibs]: 300, [certTypes.jsAlgoDataStruct]: 300, [certTypes.dataVis2018]: 300, [certTypes.apisMicroservices]: 300, [certTypes.infosecQa]: 300 }; function getIdsForCert$(id, Challenge) { return observeQuery(Challenge, 'findById', id, { id: true, tests: true, name: true, challengeType: true }).shareReplay(); } const superBlocks = Object.keys(superBlockCertTypeMap); function sendCertifiedEmail( { email = '', name, username, isRespWebDesignCert, isFrontEndLibsCert, isJsAlgoDataStructCert, isDataVisCert, isApisMicroservicesCert, isInfosecQaCert }, send$ ) { if ( !isEmail(email) || !isRespWebDesignCert || !isFrontEndLibsCert || !isJsAlgoDataStructCert || !isDataVisCert || !isApisMicroservicesCert || !isInfosecQaCert ) { return Observable.just(false); } const notifyUser = { type: 'email', to: email, from: '', subject: dedent` Congratulations on completing all of the freeCodeCamp certifications! `, text: renderCertifiedEmail({ username, name }) }; return send$(notifyUser).map(() => true); } function getUserIsCertMap(user) { const { isRespWebDesignCert = false, isJsAlgoDataStructCert = false, isFrontEndLibsCert = false, is2018DataVisCert = false, isApisMicroservicesCert = false, isInfosecQaCert = false, isFrontEndCert = false, isBackEndCert = false, isDataVisCert = false, isFullStackCert = false } = user; return { isRespWebDesignCert, isJsAlgoDataStructCert, isFrontEndLibsCert, is2018DataVisCert, isApisMicroservicesCert, isInfosecQaCert, isFrontEndCert, isBackEndCert, isDataVisCert, isFullStackCert }; } function createVerifyCert(certTypeIds, app) { const { Email } = app.models; return function verifyCert(req, res, next) { const { body: { superBlock }, user } = req; log(superBlock); let certType = superBlockCertTypeMap[superBlock]; log(certType); return user .getCompletedChallenges$() .flatMap(() => certTypeIds[certType]) .flatMap(challenge => { const certName = certText[certType]; if (user[certType]) { return Observable.just(alreadyClaimedMessage(certName)); } let updateData = { [certType]: true }; if (challenge) { const { id, tests, challengeType } = challenge; if ( !user[certType] && !isCertified(tests, user.completedChallenges) ) { return Observable.just(notCertifiedMessage(certName)); } updateData = { ...updateData, completedChallenges: [ ...user.completedChallenges, { id, completedDate: new Date(), challengeType } ] }; } if (! { return Observable.just(noNameMessage); } // set here so sendCertifiedEmail works properly // not used otherwise user[certType] = true; const updatePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => user.updateAttributes(updateData, err => { if (err) { return reject(err); } return resolve(); }) ); return Observable.combineLatest( // update user data Observable.fromPromise(updatePromise), // If user has committed to nonprofit, // this will complete their pledge completeCommitment$(user), // sends notification email is user has all 6 certs // if not it noop sendCertifiedEmail(user, Email.send$), (_, pledgeOrMessage) => ({ pledgeOrMessage }) ).map(({ pledgeOrMessage }) => { if (typeof pledgeOrMessage === 'string') { log(pledgeOrMessage); } log('Certificates updated'); return successMessage(user.username, certName); }); }) .subscribe(message => { return res.status(200).json({ response: { type: message.includes('Congratulations') ? 'success' : 'info', message }, isCertMap: getUserIsCertMap(user) }); }, next); }; } function createShowCert(app) { const { User } = app.models; function findUserByUsername$(username, fields) { return observeQuery(User, 'findOne', { where: { username }, fields }); } return function showCert(req, res, next) { let { username, cert } = req.params; username = username.toLowerCase(); const certType = superBlockCertTypeMap[cert]; const certId = certIds[certType]; const certTitle = certText[certType]; const completionTime = completionHours[certType] || 300; return findUserByUsername$(username, { isCheater: true, isFrontEndCert: true, isBackEndCert: true, isFullStackCert: true, isRespWebDesignCert: true, isFrontEndLibsCert: true, isJsAlgoDataStructCert: true, isDataVisCert: true, is2018DataVisCert: true, isApisMicroservicesCert: true, isInfosecQaCert: true, isHonest: true, username: true, name: true, completedChallenges: true, profileUI: true }).subscribe(user => { if (!user) { return res.json({ messages: [ { type: 'info', message: 'We could not find a user with the username "' + username + '"' } ] }); } const { isLocked, showCerts } = user.profileUI; if (! { return res.json({ messages: [ { type: 'info', message: dedent` This user needs to add their name to their account in order for others to be able to view their certification. ` } ] }); } if (user.isCheater) { return res.json({ messages: [ { type: 'info', message: 'This user is not eligible for ' + 'certifications at this time' } ] }); } if (isLocked) { return res.json({ messages: [ { type: 'info', message: dedent` ${username} has chosen to make their portfolio private. They will need to make their portfolio public in order for others to be able to view their certification. ` } ] }); } if (!showCerts) { return res.json({ messages: [ { type: 'info', message: dedent` ${username} has chosen to make their certifications private. They will need to make their certifications public in order for others to be able to view them. ` } ] }); } if (!user.isHonest) { return res.json({ messages: [ { type: 'info', message: dedent` ${username} has not yet agreed to our Academic Honesty Pledge. ` } ] }); } if (user[certType]) { const { completedChallenges = [] } = user; const certChallenge = _.find( completedChallenges, ({ id }) => certId === id ); let { completedDate = new Date() } = certChallenge || {}; // the challenge id has been rotated for isDataVisCert // so we need to check for id 561add10cb82ac38a17513b3 if (certType === 'isDataVisCert' && !certChallenge) { console.log('olderId'); let oldDataVisIdChall = _.find( completedChallenges, ({ id }) => '561add10cb82ac38a17513b3' === id ); if (oldDataVisIdChall) { completedDate = oldDataVisIdChall.completedDate || completedDate; } } const { username, name } = user; return res.json({ certTitle, username, name, date: format(new Date(completedDate), 'MMMM D, YYYY'), completionTime }); } return res.json({ messages: [ { type: 'info', message: ` It looks like user ${username} is not ${certText[certType]} certified ` } ] }); }, next); }; }