--- title: Go Structs --- ## Go Structs In Go, structs are used to store data and related functions. An example might be a struct to represent a User: ```go type User struct { FirstName string LastName string Email string Age int } ``` Here we can store a user's first name, last name, email address, and age. The name of the property is followed by the type of data we want to store. For example, the `FirstName` property is a `string` whereas the `Age` property is an `int`. ### Creating objects To initialise a new object, we can use the Go shorthand syntax for creating and assigning variables. We can either pass the data in at this point or set the data at a later time: ```go func main() { type MyInt int64 // Create a user and set both the first and last name properties user1 := User{ FirstName: "John", LastName: "Wick", } // Now we have our user object, we can set the data like this user1.Email = "john@wick.com" user1.Age = 30 } ``` ### Object methods Go enables declaring methods to struct types and non struct types. This enables grouping of relevant operations to the data it affects. In this example we will write a method on the `User` struct to generate the full name of the user and String method on `MyInt` type to return a String: ```go func (myint MyInt) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", myint) } func (u User) FullName() string { return strings.Join([]string{u.FirstName, u.LastName}, " ") } ``` This method will join the first and last name of the user with a space in between. Calling the method might look like this: ```go fmt.println(user1.FullName()) ``` ### Struct Tags Struct tags are used to modify how encoders handle the data. For example, setting the key names when encoding to JSON: ```go type User struct { FirstName string `json:"first_name"` LastName string `json:"last_name"` Email string `json:"email"` Age int `json:"age"` } ``` ### Exported Data Structs can contain both exported (public) and unexported (private) properties. This is set by either having an uppercase first letter for exported or a lowercase first letter for unexported. In this example, we will make the email property private: ```go type User struct { // Exported Data FirstName string LastName string Age int // Unexported Data email string } ``` Doing this will make the following code throw a compilation error as it is trying to assign value to an unexported property: ```go user1.email = "john@wick.com" ``` Same principle applies when attempting to read data from an unexported property. This also applies to methods: ```go // Exported method. This can be called from anywhere func (u User) Email() { return u.email } // Unexported method. This can only be called by other methods on this struct func (u User) updateLoginCount { // code to update login count... } ``` ### Modifying properties via methods To modify the data of an object from within one of it's methods, the object must be a pointer. An example might look like this: ```go // SetEmail sets the user's email address func (u *User) SetEmail(email string) { u.email = email } // Email accessor func (u *User) Email() string { return u.email } func main() { // Creating the user1 pointer user1 = &User{ FirstName: "John", LastName: "Wick", } // Set the user's email address user1.SetEmail("john@wick.com") // Access and print the user's email address fmt.println(user1.Email()) }