--- id: 56533eb9ac21ba0edf2244bd title: Passing Values to Functions with Arguments challengeType: 1 videoUrl: 'https://scrimba.com/c/cy8rahW' forumTopicId: 18254 dashedName: passing-values-to-functions-with-arguments --- # --description-- Parameters are variables that act as placeholders for the values that are to be input to a function when it is called. When a function is defined, it is typically defined along with one or more parameters. The actual values that are input (or "passed") into a function when it is called are known as arguments. Here is a function with two parameters, `param1` and `param2`: ```js function testFun(param1, param2) { console.log(param1, param2); } ``` Then we can call `testFun` like this: `testFun("Hello", "World");`. We have passed two string arguments, `Hello` and `World`. Inside the function, `param1` will equal the string `Hello` and `param2` will equal the string `World`. Note that you could call `testFun` again with different arguments and the parameters would take on the value of the new arguments. # --instructions--
  1. Create a function called functionWithArgs that accepts two arguments and outputs their sum to the dev console.
  2. Call the function with two numbers as arguments.
# --hints-- `functionWithArgs` should be a function. ```js assert(typeof functionWithArgs === 'function'); ``` `functionWithArgs(1,2)` should output `3`. ```js if (typeof functionWithArgs === 'function') { capture(); functionWithArgs(1, 2); uncapture(); } assert(logOutput == 3); ``` `functionWithArgs(7,9)` should output `16`. ```js if (typeof functionWithArgs === 'function') { capture(); functionWithArgs(7, 9); uncapture(); } assert(logOutput == 16); ``` You should call `functionWithArgs` with two numbers after you define it. ```js assert( /functionWithArgs\([-+]?\d*\.?\d*,[-+]?\d*\.?\d*\)/.test( code.replace(/\s/g, '') ) ); ``` # --seed-- ## --before-user-code-- ```js var logOutput = ""; var originalConsole = console function capture() { var nativeLog = console.log; console.log = function (message) { if(message) logOutput = JSON.stringify(message).trim(); if(nativeLog.apply) { nativeLog.apply(originalConsole, arguments); } else { var nativeMsg = Array.prototype.slice.apply(arguments).join(' '); nativeLog(nativeMsg); } }; } function uncapture() { console.log = originalConsole.log; } capture(); ``` ## --after-user-code-- ```js uncapture(); if (typeof functionWithArgs !== "function") { (function() { return "functionWithArgs is not defined"; })(); } else { (function() { return logOutput || "console.log never called"; })(); } ``` ## --seed-contents-- ```js ``` # --solutions-- ```js function functionWithArgs(a, b) { console.log(a + b); } functionWithArgs(10, 5); ```