import dedent from 'dedent'; import debugFactory from 'debug'; import { Observable } from 'rx'; import commitGoals from './commit-goals.json'; const debug = debugFactory('fcc:utils/commit'); export { commitGoals }; export function completeCommitment$(user) { const { isFrontEndCert, isDataVisCert, isBackEndCert, isFullStackCert } = user; return Observable.fromNodeCallback(user.pledge, user)() .flatMap(pledge => { if (!pledge) { return Observable.just('No pledge found'); } const { goal } = pledge; if ( (isFrontEndCert && goal === commitGoals.frontEndCert) || (isDataVisCert && goal === commitGoals.dataVisCert) || (isBackEndCert && goal === commitGoals.backEndCert) || (isFullStackCert && goal === commitGoals.fullStackCert) ) { debug('marking goal complete'); pledge.isCompleted = true; pledge.dateEnded = new Date(); pledge.formerUserId = pledge.userId; pledge.userId = null; return Observable.fromNodeCallback(, pledge)(); } return Observable.just(dedent` You have not yet reached your goal of completing the ${goal} Please retry when you have met the requirements. `); }); }