--- title: JavaScript Tutorials and Other Resources --- * JavaScript for Cats * The Modern JavaScript Tutorial * Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming * Eloquent Javascript (_annotated_) * Speaking Javascript * Exploring ES6 * Udemy - Javascript Understanding the Weird Parts (_first 3.5 hrs_) * Functional programming in JavaScript * Introduction to JavaScript: First Steps * Douglas Crockford's Videos * Modern JS Cheatsheet * The 50 Best Websites to Learn JavaScript * Codementor JavaScript tutorial * You Might Not Need jQuery ## References * DevDocs * OverAPI JavaScript Cheat Sheet * ECMA-262 * Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) Find javascript libraries at http://jster.net ## Quick JavaScript * REPL (_node_) * JSBin * JSFiddle * CodePen * CoderPad (_pair programming_) * C9 (_IDE_, _pair programming_) * Object Playground (_visualize objects_) * Plunker ## Challenges * Code Wars * Hacker Rank * Coding Game * CodeFights * ES6 Katas * Project Euler ## Tutorials * Codecademy * RithmSchool ## Exercises * Codility * Coderbyte * Exercism * JavaScript30 * Javascript.com (Pluralsight) ## Editors * Visual Studio Code Visual Studio Code includes built-in support for IntelliSense code completion, rich semantic code understanding and navigation, and code refactoring. It comes with a built-in debugger and git support and has a plethora of extensions. Visual Studio Code Insiders Insiders has the most recent code pushes and may lead to the occasional broken build.New builds at least everyday with features, bug fixes, and other recently closed issues.Insiders installs next to the Stable build, allowing you to use either independently. * Webstorm A full-feature IDE for Javascript, including code completion and support for live linting, version control, and testing. Made by Jet Brains and modelled after their IntelliJ Java IDE. * Brackets * Atom Open source text editor made by GitHub. * Sublime Text ## Blogs * Perfection Kills * 2ality * JS collection on Medium * David Walsh * superheroJS ## Podcasts * JS Jabber ## Video Tutorials * Derek Banas' Learn JS In One Video * Derek Banas' Object Oriented JavaScript * JavaScript Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners 2018 ## Books * Secrets of the JavaScript Ninja * Programming JavaScript Applications * Maintainable JavaScript * Learning JavaScript Design Patterns * Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide * JSDoc * Javascript Allonge Six * You Don't Know JS 6 books on JavaScript by Kyle Simpson. From beginner to advanced. * Eloquent Javascript Fantastic, thorough introduction to the basics and features of Javascript, complete with in-browser interactive code * Professor Frisby's Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming Quite in-depth guide to Functional Programming in Javascript * The JavaScript Way * Functional Light JS This book aims to be a useful companion for anyone wishing to (re)discover the many facets of JavaScript. From the very basics of programming up to front-end and back-end web development, a lot of topics are covered in a simple and accessible way. No prior knowledge needed!