--- id: 5ef9b03c81a63668521804e9 title: Part 63 challengeType: 0 dashedName: part-63 --- # --description-- Make the text `freeCodeCamp.org` into a link by enclosing it in an anchor (`a`) element. The `href` attribute should be set to `https://www.freecodecamp.org`. # --hints-- Your anchor (`a`) element should be nested within the `footer` element. Make sure to added an opening tag and closing tag for the anchor (`a`) element. ```js assert($('footer > p > a').length); ``` Your anchor (`a`) element should have a closing tag. Closing tags have a `/` just after the `<` character. ```js const aElemClosingTags = code.match(/<\/a\>/g); assert(aElemClosingTags && aElemClosingTags.length === 3); ``` Your anchor (`a`) element should have an `href` attribute with the value `https://www.freecodecamp.org`. You may have omitted the attribute/value, or have a typo. ```js const nestedAnchor = $('footer > p > a')[0]; assert(nestedAnchor.getAttribute('href') === 'https://www.freecodecamp.org'); ``` The link's text should be `freeCodeCamp.org`. You have either omitted the text or have a typo. ```js const nestedAnchor = $('footer > p > a')[0]; assert( nestedAnchor.innerText.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ' ') === 'freecodecamp.org' ); ``` After nesting the anchor (`a`) element, the only `p` element content visible in the browser should be `No Copyright - freeCodeCamp.org`. Double check the text, spacing, or punctuation of both the `p` and nested anchor element. ```js const pText = $('footer > p')[0].innerText.toLowerCase().replace(/\s+/g, ' '); assert(pText.match(/^no copyright - freecodecamp.org$/)); ``` # --seed-- ## --seed-contents-- ```html


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A cute orange cat lying on its back.

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Things cats love:

A slice of lasagna on a plate.
Cats love lasagna.

Top 3 things cats hate:

  1. flea treatment
  2. thunder
  3. other cats
Five cats looking around a field.
Cats hate other cats.

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