--- id: 587d8249367417b2b2512c42 title: Issue Tracker challengeType: 4 forumTopicId: 301569 dashedName: issue-tracker --- # --description-- Build a full stack JavaScript app that is functionally similar to this: . Working on this project will involve you writing your code using one of the following methods: - Clone [this GitHub repo](https://github.com/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-project-issuetracker/) and complete your project locally. - Use [this Replit starter project](https://replit.com/github/freeCodeCamp/boilerplate-project-issuetracker) to complete your project. - Use a site builder of your choice to complete the project. Be sure to incorporate all the files from our GitHub repo. When you are done, make sure a working demo of your project is hosted somewhere public. Then submit the URL to it in the `Solution Link` field. Optionally, also submit a link to your project's source code in the `GitHub Link` field. # --instructions-- - Complete the necessary routes in `/routes/api.js` - Create all of the functional tests in `tests/2_functional-tests.js` - Copy the `sample.env` file to `.env` and set the variables appropriately - To run the tests uncomment `NODE_ENV=test` in your `.env` file - To run the tests in the console, use the command `npm run test`. To open the Replit console, press Ctrl+Shift+P (Cmd if on a Mac) and type "open shell" Write the following tests in `tests/2_functional-tests.js`: - Create an issue with every field: POST request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Create an issue with only required fields: POST request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Create an issue with missing required fields: POST request to `/api/issues/{project}` - View issues on a project: GET request to `/api/issues/{project}` - View issues on a project with one filter: GET request to `/api/issues/{project}` - View issues on a project with multiple filters: GET request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Update one field on an issue: PUT request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Update multiple fields on an issue: PUT request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Update an issue with missing `_id`: PUT request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Update an issue with no fields to update: PUT request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Update an issue with an invalid `_id`: PUT request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Delete an issue: DELETE request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Delete an issue with an invalid `_id`: DELETE request to `/api/issues/{project}` - Delete an issue with missing `_id`: DELETE request to `/api/issues/{project}` # --hints-- You can provide your own project, not the example URL. ```js (getUserInput) => { assert(!/.*\/issue-tracker\.freecodecamp\.rocks/.test(getUserInput('url'))); }; ``` You can send a `POST` request to `/api/issues/{projectname}` with form data containing the required fields `issue_title`, `issue_text`, `created_by`, and optionally `assigned_to` and `status_text`. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { let test_data = { issue_title: 'Faux Issue Title', issue_text: 'Functional Test - Required Fields Only', created_by: 'fCC' }; const data = await $.post( getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/fcc-project', test_data ); assert.isObject(data); assert.nestedInclude(data, test_data); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` The `POST` request to `/api/issues/{projectname}` will return the created object, and must include all of the submitted fields. Excluded optional fields will be returned as empty strings. Additionally, include `created_on` (date/time), `updated_on` (date/time), `open` (boolean, `true` for open - default value, `false` for closed), and `_id`. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { let test_data = { issue_title: 'Faux Issue Title 2', issue_text: 'Functional Test - Every field filled in', created_by: 'fCC', assigned_to: 'Chai and Mocha' }; const data = await $.post( getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/fcc-project', test_data ); assert.isObject(data); assert.nestedInclude(data, test_data); assert.property(data, 'created_on'); assert.isNumber(Date.parse(data.created_on)); assert.property(data, 'updated_on'); assert.isNumber(Date.parse(data.updated_on)); assert.property(data, 'open'); assert.isBoolean(data.open); assert.isTrue(data.open); assert.property(data, '_id'); assert.isNotEmpty(data._id); assert.property(data, 'status_text'); assert.isEmpty(data.status_text); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` If you send a `POST` request to `/api/issues/{projectname}` without the required fields, returned will be the error `{ error: 'required field(s) missing' }` ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { let test_data = { created_by: 'fCC' }; const data = await $.post(getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/fcc-project', { created_by: 'fCC' }); assert.isObject(data); assert.property(data, 'error'); assert.equal(data.error, 'required field(s) missing'); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` You can send a `GET` request to `/api/issues/{projectname}` for an array of all issues for that specific `projectname`, with all the fields present for each issue. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { let test_data = { issue_text: 'Get Issues Test', created_by: 'fCC' }; const url = getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/get_issues_test_' + Date.now().toString().substring(7); const data1 = await $.post( url, Object.assign(test_data, { issue_title: 'Faux Issue 1' }) ); assert.isObject(data1); const data2 = await $.post( url, Object.assign(test_data, { issue_title: 'Faux Issue 2' }) ); assert.isObject(data2); const data3 = await $.post( url, Object.assign(test_data, { issue_title: 'Faux Issue 3' }) ); assert.isObject(data3); const getIssues = await $.get(url); assert.isArray(getIssues); assert.lengthOf(getIssues, 3); let re = new RegExp('Faux Issue \\d'); getIssues.forEach((issue) => { assert.property(issue, 'issue_title'); assert.match(issue.issue_title, re); assert.property(issue, 'issue_text'); assert.property(issue, 'created_by'); assert.property(issue, 'assigned_to'); assert.property(issue, 'status_text'); assert.property(issue, 'open'); assert.property(issue, 'created_on'); assert.property(issue, 'updated_on'); assert.property(issue, '_id'); }); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` You can send a `GET` request to `/api/issues/{projectname}` and filter the request by also passing along any field and value as a URL query (ie. `/api/issues/{project}?open=false`). You can pass one or more field/value pairs at once. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { let test_data = { issue_title: 'To be Filtered', issue_text: 'Filter Issues Test' }; const url = getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/get_issues_test_' + Date.now().toString().substring(7); const data1 = await $.post( url, Object.assign(test_data, { created_by: 'Alice', assigned_to: 'Bob' }) ); const data2 = await $.post( url, Object.assign(test_data, { created_by: 'Alice', assigned_to: 'Bob' }) ); const data3 = await $.post( url, Object.assign(test_data, { created_by: 'Alice', assigned_to: 'Eric' }) ); const data4 = await $.post( url, Object.assign(test_data, { created_by: 'Carol', assigned_to: 'Eric' }) ); const getSingle = await $.get(url + '?created_by=Alice'); assert.isArray(getSingle); assert.lengthOf(getSingle, 3); const getMultiple = await $.get(url + '?created_by=Alice&assigned_to=Bob'); assert.isArray(getMultiple); assert.lengthOf(getMultiple, 2); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` You can send a `PUT` request to `/api/issues/{projectname}` with an `_id` and one or more fields to update. On success, the `updated_on` field should be updated, and returned should be `{ result: 'successfully updated', '_id': _id }`. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { let initialData = { issue_title: 'Issue to be Updated', issue_text: 'Functional Test - Put target', created_by: 'fCC' }; const url = getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/fcc-project'; const itemToUpdate = await $.post(url, initialData); const updateSucccess = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'PUT', data: { _id: itemToUpdate._id, issue_text: 'New Issue Text' } }); assert.isObject(updateSucccess); assert.deepEqual(updateSucccess, { result: 'successfully updated', _id: itemToUpdate._id }); const getUpdatedId = await $.get(url + '?_id=' + itemToUpdate._id); assert.isArray(getUpdatedId); assert.isObject(getUpdatedId[0]); assert.isAbove( Date.parse(getUpdatedId[0].updated_on), Date.parse(getUpdatedId[0].created_on) ); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` When the `PUT` request sent to `/api/issues/{projectname}` does not include an `_id`, the return value is `{ error: 'missing _id' }`. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { const url = getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/fcc-project'; const badUpdate = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'PUT' }); assert.isObject(badUpdate); assert.property(badUpdate, 'error'); assert.equal(badUpdate.error, 'missing _id'); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` When the `PUT` request sent to `/api/issues/{projectname}` does not include update fields, the return value is `{ error: 'no update field(s) sent', '_id': _id }`. On any other error, the return value is `{ error: 'could not update', '_id': _id }`. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { const url = getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/fcc-project'; const badUpdate = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'PUT', data: { _id: '5f665eb46e296f6b9b6a504d' } }); assert.deepEqual(badUpdate, { error: 'no update field(s) sent', _id: '5f665eb46e296f6b9b6a504d' }); const badIdUpdate = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'PUT', data: { _id: '5f665eb46e296f6b9b6a504d', issue_text: 'New Issue Text' } }); assert.deepEqual(badIdUpdate, { error: 'could not update', _id: '5f665eb46e296f6b9b6a504d' }); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` You can send a `DELETE` request to `/api/issues/{projectname}` with an `_id` to delete an issue. If no `_id` is sent, the return value is `{ error: 'missing _id' }`. On success, the return value is `{ result: 'successfully deleted', '_id': _id }`. On failure, the return value is `{ error: 'could not delete', '_id': _id }`. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { let initialData = { issue_title: 'Issue to be Deleted', issue_text: 'Functional Test - Delete target', created_by: 'fCC' }; const url = getUserInput('url') + '/api/issues/fcc-project'; const itemToDelete = await $.post(url, initialData); assert.isObject(itemToDelete); const deleteSuccess = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'DELETE', data: { _id: itemToDelete._id } }); assert.isObject(deleteSuccess); assert.deepEqual(deleteSuccess, { result: 'successfully deleted', _id: itemToDelete._id }); const noId = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'DELETE' }); assert.isObject(noId); assert.deepEqual(noId, { error: 'missing _id' }); const badIdDelete = await $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'DELETE', data: { _id: '5f665eb46e296f6b9b6a504d', issue_text: 'New Issue Text' } }); assert.isObject(badIdDelete); assert.deepEqual(badIdDelete, { error: 'could not delete', _id: '5f665eb46e296f6b9b6a504d' }); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` All 14 functional tests are complete and passing. ```js async (getUserInput) => { try { const getTests = await $.get(getUserInput('url') + '/_api/get-tests'); assert.isArray(getTests); assert.isAtLeast(getTests.length, 14, 'At least 14 tests passed'); getTests.forEach((test) => { assert.equal(test.state, 'passed', 'Test in Passed State'); assert.isAtLeast( test.assertions.length, 1, 'At least one assertion per test' ); }); } catch (err) { throw new Error(err.responseText || err.message); } }; ``` # --solutions-- ```js /** Backend challenges don't need solutions, because they would need to be tested against a full working project. Please check our contributing guidelines to learn more. */ ```