--- id: 8d1323c8c441eddfaeb5bdef title: Create a Set Class challengeType: 1 forumTopicId: 301632 dashedName: create-a-set-class --- # --description-- In this exercise we are going to create a class named `Set` to emulate an abstract data structure called "set". A set is like an array, but it cannot contain duplicate values. The typical use for a set is to simply check for the presence of an item. We can see how the ES6 `Set` object works in the example below: ```js const set1 = new Set([1, 2, 3, 5, 5, 2, 0]); console.log(set1); // output: {1, 2, 3, 5, 0} console.log(set1.has(1)); // output: true console.log(set1.has(6)); // output: false ``` First, we will create an add method that adds a value to our set collection as long as the value does not already exist in the set. Then we will create a remove method that removes a value from the set collection if it already exists. And finally, we will create a size method that returns the number of elements inside the set collection. # --instructions-- Create an `add` method that adds a unique value to the set collection and returns `true` if the value was successfully added and `false` otherwise. Create a `remove` method that accepts a value and checks if it exists in the set. If it does, then this method should remove it from the set collection, and return `true`. Otherwise, it should return `false`. Create a `size` method that returns the size of the set collection. # --hints-- Your `Set` class should have an `add` method. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); return typeof test.add === 'function'; })() ); ``` Your `add` method should not add duplicate values. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); test.add('a'); test.add('b'); test.add('a'); var vals = test.values(); return vals[0] === 'a' && vals[1] === 'b' && vals.length === 2; })() ); ``` Your `add` method should return `true` when a value has been successfully added. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); var result = test.add('a'); return result != undefined && result === true; })() ); ``` Your `add` method should return `false` when a duplicate value is added. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); test.add('a'); var result = test.add('a'); return result != undefined && result === false; })() ); ``` Your `Set` class should have a `remove` method. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); return typeof test.remove === 'function'; })() ); ``` Your `remove` method should only remove items that are present in the set. ```js assert.deepEqual( (function () { var test = new Set(); test.add('a'); test.add('b'); test.remove('c'); return test.values(); })(), ['a', 'b'] ); ``` Your `remove` method should remove the given item from the set. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); test.add('a'); test.add('b'); test.remove('a'); var vals = test.values(); return vals[0] === 'b' && vals.length === 1; })() ); ``` Your `Set` class should have a `size` method. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); return typeof test.size === 'function'; })() ); ``` The `size` method should return the number of elements in the collection. ```js assert( (function () { var test = new Set(); test.add('a'); test.add('b'); test.remove('a'); return test.size() === 1; })() ); ``` # --seed-- ## --seed-contents-- ```js class Set { constructor() { // Dictionary will hold the items of our set this.dictionary = {}; this.length = 0; } // This method will check for the presence of an element and return true or false has(element) { return this.dictionary[element] !== undefined; } // This method will return all the values in the set values() { return Object.values(this.dictionary); } // Only change code below this line // Only change code above this line } ``` # --solutions-- ```js class Set { constructor() { this.dictionary = {}; this.length = 0; } has(element) { return this.dictionary[element] !== undefined; } values() { return Object.values(this.dictionary); } add(element) { if (!this.has(element)) { this.dictionary[element] = element; this.length++; return true; } return false; } remove(element) { if (this.has(element)) { delete this.dictionary[element]; this.length--; return true; } return false; } size() { return this.length; } } ```