--- title: The Battle of Open Source --- As someone new to software development contributing to open source projects can seem daunting and downright terrifying. Learning software development has been an unexpected journey that I have had the pleasure of taking. Having the support from my family members and friends has made the journey less of a challenge even, so it has not been an easy road. I've hit many road blocks in my path but I keep challenging myself every day. I’ve read many articles suggesting that as a junior software developer it is important to contribute to open sources. I've searched the innerwebs for an open source project that I felt I could tackle easily. The harsh reality of it is that most of the open sources out there are not quite as easy as I thought it would be. GitHub in general has been a challenge to learn and I feel like I learn something new each day but looking at several "beginner friendly" open source projects I've come to the stark realization that it is going to take much more time than I had thought to be able to contribute code in an open source projects. ## Lessons Learned Even though the above paragraph might seem a little off putting do not fret. Yes, Open Source Projects are nothing to take lightly its a serious business. Take your time, read the documentation or readme's, do research, and never ever give up or stop learning. No matter if you are a beginner or a seasoned developer there will always be something new to learn. ## Here are a couple of articles to keep you motivated: * https://medium.freecodecamp.org/i-made-my-first-open-source-contribution-within-200-days-and-how-you-can-too-4d5bdbd63fad * https://opensource.com/article/17/5/making-your-first-open-source-contribution * https://medium.com/ifme/my-first-open-source-contribution-68c86de88af9