--- title: Change Inline CSS Conditionally Based on Component State --- ## Change Inline CSS Conditionally Based on Component State ## Hint 1: You are going to be checking the length of ```this.state.input``` so use its ```.length``` property. ``` this.state.input.length ``` ## Hint 2: You are entering code before the return statement so you can use a pure JavaScript ```if/then``` statement. ## Solution: You will use an ```if/then``` statement to check the value of ```this.state.input.length```. If it is longer than 15, assign ```'3px solid red'``` to ```inputStyle.border```. ```jsx class GateKeeper extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { input: '' }; this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); } handleChange(event) { this.setState({ input: event.target.value }) } render() { let inputStyle = { border: '1px solid black' }; // change code below this line if (this.state.input.length > 15) { inputStyle.border = '3px solid red'; } // change code above this line return (

Don't Type Too Much:

); } }; ``` ## Solution Write a conditional statement that is evaluated according to your state, as mentioned in the challenge description, checks the length of the input and assigns a new object to the inputStyle variable. ```react.js if (this.state.input.length > 15) { inputStyle = { border: '3px solid red' } } ```