const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const matter = require('gray-matter'); const pass = true; const guideRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../guide'); const challengeRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../../curriculum/challenges'); exports.guideRoot = guideRoot; exports.challengeRoot = challengeRoot; const allowedLangDirNames = [ 'arabic', 'chinese', 'english', 'portuguese', 'russian', 'spanish' ]; exports.checkGuideFile = function checkGuideFile(file) { const { stat, depth, name, fullPath } = file; if (depth === 1) { if (stat.isFile()) { throw new Error(`${name} is not valid in the ${guideRoot} directory`); } if (!allowedLangDirNames.includes(name)) { throw new Error(`${name} should not be in the ${guideRoot} directory`); } } if (stat.isDirectory()) { return checkDirName(name, fullPath); } return checkGuideFileName(name, fullPath); }; function checkDirName(dirName, fullPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (dirName.replace(/(\s|\_)/, '') !== dirName) { return reject( new Error(` Invalid character found in '${dirName}', please use '-' for spaces Found in: ${fullPath} `) ); } if (dirName.toLowerCase() !== dirName) { return reject( new Error(` Upper case characters found in ${dirName}, all folder names must be lower case Found in : ${fullPath} `) ); } return resolve(pass); }); } function checkGuideFileName(fileName, fullPath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (fileName !== '') { return reject( new Error( `${fileName} is not a valid file name, please use '' Found in: ${fullPath} ` ) ); } return resolve(pass); }); } exports.checkFrontmatter = function checkFrontmatter( { fullPath, stat }, options = { validator() { return true; } } ) { if (!stat.isFile()) { return Promise.resolve(pass); } return new Promise((resolve, reject) => fs.readFile(fullPath, 'utf8', (err, content) => { if (err) { return reject(new Error(err)); } try { const { data: frontmatter } = matter(content); const { validator } = options; if (!validator(frontmatter)) { return reject( new Error( `The article at: ${fullPath} failed frontmatter validation.` ) ); } return resolve(pass); } catch (e) { console.log(` The below occured in: ${fullPath} `); throw e; } }) ); }; function extractLangFromFileName({ path: relativePath }) { return relativePath.split(path.sep)[0]; } exports.extractLangFromFileName = extractLangFromFileName;