const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const { reorderSteps, createStepFile, getChallengeSeed, getProjectPath } = require('./utils'); const getLastStepFileContent = () => { const filesArr = []; fs.readdirSync(projectPath).forEach(fileName => { if ( path.extname(fileName).toLowerCase() === '.md' && !fileName.endsWith('') ) { filesArr.push(fileName); } }); const fileName = filesArr[filesArr.length - 1]; let lastStepFileNum = fileName.split('.')[0].split('-')[1]; lastStepFileNum = parseInt(lastStepFileNum, 10); if (filesArr.length !== lastStepFileNum) { throw `Error: The last file step is ${lastStepFileNum} and there are ${filesArr.length} files.`; } return { nextStepNum: lastStepFileNum + 1, challengeSeed: getChallengeSeed(projectPath + fileName) }; }; const projectPath = getProjectPath(); const { nextStepNum, challengeSeed } = getLastStepFileContent(); createStepFile({ stepNum: nextStepNum, projectPath, challengeSeed }); console.log(`Sucessfully added step #${nextStepNum}`); reorderSteps();