--- title: Destructuring Assignment --- ## Destructuring Assignment Destructuring Assignment syntax is a Javascript expression that makes it possible to unpack values or properties from arrays or objects. Lets say that you have an array that contains a first name and last name as its two values, but you want to reassign those values to something more descriptive. You can use Destructuring to accomplish this. **ES5 Destructuring** ```js var fullName = ["John", "Smith"]; var firstName = fullName[0]; var lastName = fullName[1]; console.log(firstName, lastName); // John Smith ``` **ES6 Destructuring** ```js const fullName = ["John", "Smith"]; const [firstName, lastName] = fullName; console.log(firstName, lastName); // John Smith ``` The examples above show the benefit of using the ES6 Destructuring Assignment. You can also use Destructuring on objects using a similar syntax ```js const fullName = {first: "John", last: "Smith"}; const {first, last} = fullName; console.log(first, last); // John Smith ``` Object Destructuring Assignment is a little bit different because the object must have properties with the names you are assigning. Therefore the code below would not work as intended. ```js const fullName = {first: "John", last: "Smith"}; const {firstName, lastName} = fullName; console.log(firstName, lastName); // undefined undefined ``` You can still achieve the desired result using the following syntax. ```js const obj = {propertyName: value} const {propertyName: desiredVariableName} = obj ``` Our previous example would be rewritten as follows: ```js const fullName = {first: "John", last: "Smith"}; const {first: firstName, last: lastName} = fullName; console.log(firstName, lastName); // John Smith ``` You can also use Destructuring on nested objects. ```js const person = {firstName: "John", lastName: "Smith", address: {city: "Istanbul", country: "Turkey"}}; const {address: {city, country}} = person; console.log(city, country); // Istanbul Turkey ``` **Array Destructuring with rest** When destructuring an array, you can unpack and assign the remaining part of it to a variable using the rest pattern: ```js const [a, ...b] = [1, 2, 3]; console.log(a); // 1 console.log(b); // [2, 3] ```