meta(name='viewport', content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1') link(rel='stylesheet', href='') include styles .certificate-wrapper.container .row header .col-md-5.col-sm-12 .logo img(class='img-responsive', src='', alt="freeCodeCamp's Logo") .col-md-7.col-sm-12 .issue-date Issued strong #{date} section.information .information-container h3 This certifies that h1 strong= name h3 has successfully completed the h1 strong Back End Development Projects h4 (400 hours of coursework & 1 of 3 freeCodeCamp certificates) footer .row.signatures .col-md-6 img(class='img-responsive', src='', alt="Quincy Larson's Signature") p strong Quincy Larson .col-md-6 img(class='img-responsive', src='', alt="Michael D. Johnson's Signature") p strong Michael D. Johnson .row p.verify Verify this certificate at:{username}/back-end-certification