--- title: Coding standards --- ### Outline * Why coding standards? * Intro to PEP 8 * Commands ### Why coding standards? The global python community is rapidly growing, and almost everyone uses python. This is where readability of code and uniform standards matter. *Anyone on the planet should be able to read your code and understand what it does*. There are a lot of aspects to understanding other's code, for example comments about what a function does, logically dividing tasks among modules and functions, good variable names, etc. ### Intro to PEP 8 We love sticking to conventions. The python user community has come up with a set of standards, which are now taken as convention. PEP stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. Any industry level code that you write is run through the PEP 8 checker. It is therefore a good practice to start writing docstrings for your classes and functions, and naming variables in lower case with appropriate underscores. It may be worthwhile to have a look at these standards before you begin coding. [Here is the exhaustive link](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/ "PEP 8 standards") ### Commands Here's how you check if your python code meets he standards. ```console :~$ pip install pep8 :~$ pep8 --first myCode.py ``` This will give all those lines which violate the standards, along with a short description of the fixes.