--- title: Python Commenting Code --- Comments are used to annotate, describe, or explain code that is complex or difficult to understand. Python will intentionally ignore comments when it compiles to bytecode by the interpreter. `PEP 8` has a section dealing with comments. They also increase the readablity of code by adding easy and descriptive language for better understanding. **Block** and **inline** comments start with a `#`, followed by a space before the comment: ```python # This is a block comment. print('Hello world!') # This is an inline commment. ``` Python does not include a formal way to write multiline comments. Each line of a comment spanning multiple lines should start with `#` and a space: ```python # This is the first line of a multiline comment. # This is the second line. ``` Alternatively you could use `'''` to write a a comment that spans multiple lines to avoid having to use the `#`. For example: ```python ''' This is a multiline comment, everything inside the three apostrophes will be regarded by Python as a comment and ignored when running a program ''' ``` Another type of comment is the **docstring**, documented in [`PEP 257`](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/). Docstrings are a specific type of comment that becomes the `__doc__` attribute. For a string literal to be a docstring, it must start and end with `"""` and be the first statement of the module, function, class, or method definition it is documenting: ```python class SomeClass(): """Summary line for SomeClass. More elaborate descriptions may require using a a multiline docstring. """ def method_a(self): """Single line summary of method_a.""" pass ``` String literals that start and end with `"""` that are not docstrings (not the first statement), can be used for multiline strings. They will not become `__doc__` attributes. If they are not assigned to a variable, they will not generate bytecode. There is some discussion about using them as multiline comments found [Multiline Comments in Python - Stack Overflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7696924/multiline-comments-in-python).