--- title: Moscow localeTitle: 莫斯科 --- ## 莫斯科 ## MoSCoW方法 这个词的意思之一是MoSCoW方法 - 一种用于管理,业务分析,项目管理和软件开发的优先级技术,以便与利益相关者就每个需求的交付重要性达成共识 - 也称为MoSCoW优先级划分或MoSCoW分析。 ## 确定MoSCoW要求的优先顺序 所有要求都很重要,但它们优先考虑尽早提供最大和最直接的商业利益。开发人员最初会尝试提供所有必需品,应该具有和可能有要求,但如果交货时间表看起来受到威胁,那么应该和可能的要求将是第一个被删除的要求。 与高,中,低等替代方案相比,优先级类别的简单英语含义对于让客户更好地理解设置优先级的影响具有价值。 这些类别通常被理解为: ## 一定有 ``` Requirements labeled as Must have are critical to the current delivery timebox in order for it to be a success. If even one Must have requirement is not included, the project delivery should be considered a failure. MUST can also be considered an acronym for the Minimum Usable SubseT. ``` ## 应该有 ``` Requirements labeled as Should have are important but not necessary for delivery in the current delivery timebox. While Should have requirements can be as important as Must have, they are often not as time-critical or there may be another way to satisfy the requirement, so that it can be held back until a future delivery timebox. ``` ## 可以 ``` Requirements labeled as Could have are desirable but not necessary, and could improve user experience or customer satisfaction for little development cost. These will typically be included if time and resources permit. ``` ## 不会 ``` Requirements labeled as Won't have have been agreed by stakeholders as the least-critical, lowest-payback items, or not appropriate at that time. As a result, Won't have requirements are not planned into the schedule for the next delivery timebox. Won't have requirements are either dropped or reconsidered for inclusion in a later timebox. ``` MoSCoW是一种粗粒度方法,用于对产品Backlog项目(或需求,用例,用户故事......取决于所使用的方法)进行优先级排序(分类)。 MoSCoW经常与时间盒一起使用,其中最后期限是固定的,因此重点必须放在最重要的要求上。 术语MoSCoW本身是源自四个优先级类别(必须具有,应具有,可能具有和将不具有)的第一个字母的首字母缩略词: * **必须** :对当前交货时间箱至关重要,以使其成功。它通常是MVP(最小可行产品)的一部分。 * **应该具有** :重要但不必在当前交货时间箱中交货。 * **可能有** :理想但不是必要的改进。 * **不会** :最不重要,回报最低的项目,或者此时不合适。 通过以这种方式确定优先顺序,可以达到项目的共同定义,并相应地设定利益相关者的期望。请注意,MoSCoW对于如何区分项目的类别以及何时完成某些操作(如果不是在此时间框中)有点松懈。 #### 更多信息: [维基百科](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MoSCoW_method)