/* global describe it expect beforeEach */ const { isObject } = require('lodash'); const mockAST = require('./fixtures/challenge-md-ast.json'); const frontmatterToData = require('./frontmatter-to-data'); describe('frontmatter-to-data plugin', () => { const plugin = frontmatterToData(); let file = { data: {} }; beforeEach(() => { file = { data: {} }; }); it('should return a plugin which is a function', () => { expect(typeof plugin).toEqual('function'); }); it('should maintain an object for the `file.data` property', () => { plugin(mockAST, file); expect(isObject(file.data)).toBe(true); }); it('should add all keys from frontmatter to the `file.data` property', () => { const expectedKeys = ['id', 'title', 'challengeType', 'videoUrl']; plugin(mockAST, file); const actualKeys = Object.keys(file.data); expect(actualKeys).toEqual(expectedKeys); }); it('should not mutate any type held in the frontmatter', () => { expect.assertions(4); plugin(mockAST, file); const { id, title, challengeType, videoUrl } = file.data; expect(typeof id).toEqual('string'); expect(typeof title).toEqual('string'); expect(typeof challengeType).toEqual('number'); expect(typeof videoUrl).toEqual('string'); }); it('should trim extra whitespace from keys and values', () => { expect.assertions(7); plugin(mockAST, file); const whitespaceRE = /(^\s\S+|\S\s$)/; const keys = Object.keys(file.data); keys.forEach(key => expect(whitespaceRE.test(key)).toBe(false)); const values = keys.map(key => file.data[key]); values .filter(value => typeof value === 'string') .forEach(value => expect(whitespaceRE.test(value)).toBe(false)); }); it('should not mutate url strings', () => { const expectedUrl = 'https://scrimba.com/p/pVMPUv/cE8Gpt2'; plugin(mockAST, file); expect(file.data.videoUrl).toEqual(expectedUrl); }); it('should have an output to match the snapshot', () => { plugin(mockAST, file); expect(file.data).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });