import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test'; import { getEditors } from './utils/editor'; test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => { await page.goto( '/learn/2022/responsive-web-design/learn-basic-css-by-building-a-cafe-menu/step-15' ); }); test.describe('MultifileEditor Component', () => { test('Multiple editors should be selected and able to insert text into', async ({ page, isMobile }) => { // Spawn second editor to test MultifileEditor component const stylesEditor = page.getByRole('button', { name: 'styles.css Editor' }); await; // Use the `.toHaveCount()` assertion to ensure that the second editor is on the screen // before moving onto other assertions. // Note that using the `.all()` locator here would result a flaky test. // Ref: const editors = getEditors(page); await expect(editors).toHaveCount(2); const test_string = 'TestString'; let index = 0; for (const editor of await editors.all()) { // For some reason the click event doesn't work on mobile if (isMobile) { await editor.focus(); } else { await; } await page.keyboard.insertText(test_string + index.toString()); const text = page.getByText(test_string + index.toString()); await expect(text).toBeVisible(); index++; } }); test('Reloading should preserve the editor layout', async ({ page, isMobile }) => { test.skip( isMobile, 'The mobile layout does not have resizable panes, so this test is not applicable.' ); const desktopLayout = page.getByTestId('desktop-layout'); const splitter = desktopLayout.getByTestId('preview-left-splitter'); const editorPane = desktopLayout.getByTestId('editor-pane'); const initialStyle = await editorPane.getAttribute('style'); expect(initialStyle).toContain('flex: 1'); // Drag the splitter to resize the editor pane await splitter.hover(); await page.mouse.down(); await page.mouse.move(100, 100); await page.mouse.up(); const newStyle = await editorPane.getAttribute('style'); // It doesn't matter where it's dragged to, just that it's different: expect(newStyle).not.toContain('flex: 1'); await page.reload(); expect(await editorPane.getAttribute('style')).toBe(newStyle); }); });