--- title: CSS Syntax and Selectors --- ## CSS Syntax and Selectors When we talk about the syntax of CSS, we're talking about how things are laid out. There are rules about what goes where, both so you can write CSS consistently and a program (like a browser) can interpret it and apply it to the page correctly. There are two main ways to write CSS. ### Inline CSS Specifics on CSS Specificity: CSS Tricks Inline CSS applies styling to a single element and its children, until another style overriding the first is encountered. To apply inline CSS, add the "style" attribute to an HTML element that you'd like to modify. Inside quotes, include a semicolon-delimited list of key/value pairs (each in turn separated by a colon) indicating styles to set. Here's an example of inline CSS. The words "One" and "Two" will have a background color of yellow and text color of red. The word "Three" has a new style that overrides the first, and will have a background color of green and text color of cyan. In the example, we're applying styles to `
` tags, but you can apply a style to any HTML element. ```html
``` ### Internal CSS While writing an inline style is a quick way to change a single element, there's a more efficient way to apply the same style to many elements of the page at once. The internal CSS has its styles specified in the ```
``` The selectors shown above are extremely simple, but they can get quite complex. For example, it's possible to apply styles only to nested elements; that is, an element that's a child of another element. Here's an example where we're specifying a style that should only be applied to `div` elements that are a direct child of other `div` elements. The result is that "Two" and "Three" will appear as red text on a yellow background, but "One" and "Four" will remain unaffected (and most likely black text on a white background). ```html
``` ### External CSS All the styling has its own document which is linked in the `````` tag. The extension of the linked file is ```.css``` #### More Information: * [CSS Syntax](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Syntax) @ MDN * [CSS Selectors](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/CSS_Selectors) @ MDN * [CSS Selectors Reference](https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/css_selectors.asp) * [CSS Selectors Specificity](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/Specificity)