var _ = require('underscore'); var colors = require('colors'); var fs = require('fs'); var inquirer = require('inquirer'); var M = require('mstring'); colors.setTheme({ silly: 'rainbow', input: 'grey', verbose: 'cyan', prompt: 'grey', info: 'green', data: 'grey', help: 'white', warn: 'yellow', debug: 'blue', error: 'red' }); inquirer.prompt({ type: 'list', name: 'category', message: 'Hackathon Starter:', choices: ['☂ Authentication', '☎ Email Service', '☱ Exit'] }, function(answer) { if (answer.category.match('Email Service')) { inquirer.prompt({ type: 'list', name: 'email', message: 'Choose Email Delivery Service:', choices: ['SendGrid', 'Mailgun', 'Cancel'] }, function(answer) { var index; var contactControllerFile = 'controllers/contact.js'; var userControllerFile = 'controllers/user.js'; var contactController = fs.readFileSync(contactControllerFile).toString().split('\n'); var userController = fs.readFileSync(userControllerFile).toString().split('\n'); if ('SendGrid')) { // Change SMPT Transport to SendGrid in controllers/contact.js index = contactController.indexOf('var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(\'SMTP\', {'); contactController.splice(index + 1, 1, ' service: \'SendGrid\','); contactController.splice(index + 3, 1, ' user: secrets.sendgrid.user,'); contactController.splice(index + 4, 1, ' pass: secrets.sendgrid.password'); fs.writeFileSync(contactControllerFile, contactController.join('\n')); // Change SMPT Transport to SendGrid in controllers/user.js index = userController.indexOf(' var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(\'SMTP\', {'); userController.splice(index + 1, 1, ' service: \'SendGrid\','); userController.splice(index + 3, 1, ' user: secrets.sendgrid.user,'); userController.splice(index + 4, 1, ' pass: secrets.sendgrid.password'); index = userController.indexOf(' var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(\'SMTP\', {', 1); userController.splice(index + 1, 1, ' service: \'SendGrid\','); userController.splice(index + 3, 1, ' user: secrets.sendgrid.user,'); userController.splice(index + 4, 1, ' pass: secrets.sendgrid.password'); fs.writeFileSync(userControllerFile, userController.join('\n')); console.log('✓ Email Delivery Service has been switched to'.info, 'SendGrid'.help); } if ('Mailgun')) { // Change SMPT Transport to Mailgun in controllers/contact.js index = contactController.indexOf('var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(\'SMTP\', {'); contactController.splice(index + 1, 1, ' service: \'Mailgun\','); contactController.splice(index + 3, 1, ' user: secrets.mailgun.login,'); contactController.splice(index + 4, 1, ' pass: secrets.mailgun.password'); fs.writeFileSync(contactControllerFile, contactController.join('\n')); // Change SMPT Transport to Mailgun in controllers/user.js index = userController.indexOf(' var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(\'SMTP\', {'); userController.splice(index + 1, 1, ' service: \'Mailgun\','); userController.splice(index + 3, 1, ' user: secrets.mailgun.login,'); userController.splice(index + 4, 1, ' pass: secrets.mailgun.password'); index = userController.indexOf(' var smtpTransport = nodemailer.createTransport(\'SMTP\', {', 1); userController.splice(index + 1, 1, ' service: \'Mailgun\','); userController.splice(index + 3, 1, ' user: secrets.mailgun.login,'); userController.splice(index + 4, 1, ' pass: secrets.mailgun.password'); fs.writeFileSync(userControllerFile, userController.join('\n')); console.log('✓ Email Delivery Service has been switched to'.info, '@'.error + 'mail'.data + 'gun'.error); } }); } if (answer.category.match('Authentication')) { inquirer.prompt({ type: 'checkbox', message: 'Select Authentication Providers', name: 'auth', choices: [ new inquirer.Separator(M(function() { /*** ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ THIS TOOL IS STILL IN EXPERIMENTAL STAGE! USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ║ ║ ALWAYS USE VERSION CONTROL SYSTEM SO YOU COULD REVERT THE CHANGES. ║ ║ REPORT BUGS AT HTTPS://GITHUB.COM/SAHAT/HACKATHON-STARTER/ISSUES/NEW ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ ***/ })), { name: 'Facebook', checked: true }, { name: 'GitHub', checked: true }, { name: 'Google', checked: true }, { name: 'Twitter', checked: true }, { name: 'LinkedIn', checked: true }, { name: 'Instagram' }, new inquirer.Separator('Press ctrl+c to cancel'.warn) ], validate: function(answer) { if (answer.length < 1) return 'You must choose at least one authentication provider.'; return true; } }, function(answer) { var index; var passportConfigFile = 'config/passport.js'; var userModelFile = 'models/User.js'; var appFile = 'app.js'; var secretsFile = 'config/secrets.js'; var profileTemplateFile = 'views/account/profile.jade'; var loginTemplateFile = 'views/account/login.jade'; var passportConfig = fs.readFileSync(passportConfigFile).toString().split('\n'); var loginTemplate = fs.readFileSync(loginTemplateFile).toString().split('\n'); var profileTemplate = fs.readFileSync(profileTemplateFile).toString().split('\n'); var userModel = fs.readFileSync(userModelFile).toString().split('\n'); var app = fs.readFileSync(appFile).toString().split('\n'); var secrets = fs.readFileSync(secretsFile).toString().split('\n'); if (_.contains(answer.auth, 'Facebook')) { var facebookStrategyRequire = "var FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy;"; var facebookStrategy = M(function() { /*** // Sign in with Facebook. passport.use(new FacebookStrategy(secrets.facebook, function(req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) { if (req.user) { User.findOne({ $or: [{ facebook: }, { email: }] }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already a Facebook account that belongs to you. Sign in with that account or delete it, then link it with your current account.' }); done(err); } else { User.findById(, function(err, user) { user.facebook =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'facebook', accessToken: accessToken }); = || profile.displayName; user.profile.gender = user.profile.gender || profile._json.gender; user.profile.picture = user.profile.picture || '' + + '/picture?type=large'; { req.flash('info', { msg: 'Facebook account has been linked.' }); done(err, user); }); }); } }); } else { User.findOne({ facebook: }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser); User.findOne({ email: }, function(err, existingEmailUser) { if (existingEmailUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already an account using this email address. Sign in to that account and link it with Facebook manually from Account Settings.' }); done(err); } else { var user = new User(); =; user.facebook =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'facebook', accessToken: accessToken }); = profile.displayName; user.profile.gender = profile._json.gender; user.profile.picture = '' + + '/picture?type=large'; user.profile.location = (profile._json.location) ? : ''; { done(err, user); }); } }); }); } })); ***/ }); var facebookButton = M(function() { /*** a.btn.btn-block.btn-facebook.btn-social(href='/auth/facebook') i.fa.fa-facebook | Sign in with Facebook ***/ }); var facebookLinkUnlink = M(function() { /*** if user.facebook p: a.text-danger(href='/account/unlink/facebook') Unlink your Facebook account else p: a(href='/auth/facebook') Link your Facebook account ***/ }); var facebookModel = ' facebook: String,'; if (passportConfig.indexOf(facebookStrategyRequire) < 0) { // config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf("var passport = require('passport');"); passportConfig.splice(index + 1, 0, facebookStrategyRequire); index = passportConfig.indexOf('passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {'); passportConfig.splice(index + 6, 0, facebookStrategy); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // views/account/login.jade loginTemplate.push(facebookButton); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' h3 Linked Accounts'); profileTemplate.splice(index + 1, 0, facebookLinkUnlink); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' tokens: Array,'); userModel.splice(index - 1, 0, facebookModel); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); console.log('✓ Facebook authentication has been added.'.info); } else { console.log('✓ Facebook authentication is already active.'.data); } } else { // config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf(facebookStrategyRequire); passportConfig.splice(index, 1); index = passportConfig.indexOf('// Sign in with Facebook.'); passportConfig.splice(index, 47); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // views/account/login.jade index = loginTemplate.indexOf(" a.btn.btn-block.btn-facebook.btn-social(href='/auth/facebook')"); loginTemplate.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(" if user.facebook"); profileTemplate.splice(index - 1, 5); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' facebook: String,'); userModel.splice(index, 1); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); console.log('✗ Facebook authentication has been removed.'.error); } if (_.contains(answer.auth, 'GitHub')) { var githubStrategyRequire = "var GitHubStrategy = require('passport-github').Strategy;"; var githubStrategy = M(function() { /*** // Sign in with GitHub. passport.use(new GitHubStrategy(secrets.github, function(req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) { if (req.user) { User.findOne({ $or: [{ github: }, { email: }] }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already a GitHub account that belongs to you. Sign in with that account or delete it, then link it with your current account.' }); done(err); } else { User.findById(, function(err, user) { user.github =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'github', accessToken: accessToken }); = || profile.displayName; user.profile.picture = user.profile.picture || profile._json.avatar_url; user.profile.location = user.profile.location || profile._json.location; = ||; { req.flash('info', { msg: 'GitHub account has been linked.' }); done(err, user); }); }); } }); } else { User.findOne({ github: }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser); User.findOne({ email: }, function(err, existingEmailUser) { if (existingEmailUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already an account using this email address. Sign in to that account and link it with GitHub manually from Account Settings.' }); done(err); } else { var user = new User(); =; user.github =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'github', accessToken: accessToken }); = profile.displayName; user.profile.picture = profile._json.avatar_url; user.profile.location = profile._json.location; =; { done(err, user); }); } }); }); } })); ***/ }); var githubButton = M(function() { /*** a.btn.btn-block.btn-github.btn-social(href='/auth/github') i.fa.fa-github | Sign in with GitHub ***/ }); var githubLinkUnlink = M(function() { /*** if user.github p: a.text-danger(href='/account/unlink/github') Unlink your GitHub account else p: a(href='/auth/github') Link your GitHub account ***/ }); var githubModel = ' github: String,'; if (passportConfig.indexOf(githubStrategyRequire) < 0) { // config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf("var passport = require('passport');"); passportConfig.splice(index + 1, 0, githubStrategyRequire); index = passportConfig.indexOf('passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {'); passportConfig.splice(index + 6, 0, githubStrategy); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // views/account/login.jade loginTemplate.push(githubButton); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' h3 Linked Accounts'); profileTemplate.splice(index + 1, 0, githubLinkUnlink); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' tokens: Array,'); userModel.splice(index - 1, 0, githubModel); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); console.log('✓ GitHub authentication has been added.'.info); } else { console.log('✓ GitHub authentication is already active.'.data); } } else { // config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf(githubStrategyRequire); passportConfig.splice(index, 1); index = passportConfig.indexOf('// Sign in with GitHub.'); passportConfig.splice(index, 48); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // views/account/login.jade index = loginTemplate.indexOf(" a.btn.btn-block.btn-github.btn-social(href='/auth/github')"); loginTemplate.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' if user.github'); profileTemplate.splice(index - 1, 5); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' github: String,'); userModel.splice(index, 1); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); console.log('✗ GitHub authentication has been removed.'.error); } /////////////////////////// // Google Authentication // /////////////////////////// var googleRoutes = M(function() { /*** app.get('/auth/google', passport.authenticate('google', { scope: 'profile email' })); app.get('/auth/google/callback', passport.authenticate('google', { failureRedirect: '/login' }), function(req, res) { res.redirect(req.session.returnTo || '/'); }); ***/ }); var googleStrategyRequire = "var GoogleStrategy = require('passport-google-oauth').OAuth2Strategy;"; var googleStrategy = M(function() { /*** // Sign in with Google. passport.use(new GoogleStrategy(, function(req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) { if (req.user) { User.findOne({ $or: [{ google: }, { email: }] }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already a Google account that belongs to you. Sign in with that account or delete it, then link it with your current account.' }); done(err); } else { User.findById(, function(err, user) { =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'google', accessToken: accessToken }); = || profile.displayName; user.profile.gender = user.profile.gender || profile._json.gender; user.profile.picture = user.profile.picture || profile._json.picture; { req.flash('info', { msg: 'Google account has been linked.' }); done(err, user); }); }); } }); } else { User.findOne({ google: }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser); User.findOne({ email: }, function(err, existingEmailUser) { if (existingEmailUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already an account using this email address. Sign in to that account and link it with Google manually from Account Settings.' }); done(err); } else { var user = new User(); =; =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'google', accessToken: accessToken }); = profile.displayName; user.profile.gender = profile._json.gender; user.profile.picture = profile._json.picture; { done(err, user); }); } }); }); } })); ***/ }); var googleButton = M(function() { /*** a.btn.btn-block.btn-google-plus.btn-social(href='/auth/google') i.fa.fa-google-plus | Sign in with Google ***/ }); var googleLinkUnlink = M(function() { /*** if p: a.text-danger(href='/account/unlink/google') Unlink your Google account else p: a(href='/auth/google') Link your Google account ***/ }); var googleModel = ' google: String,'; if (_.contains(answer.auth, 'Google')) { if (passportConfig.indexOf(googleStrategyRequire) < 0) { // Add Google to config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf("var passport = require('passport');"); passportConfig.splice(index + 1, 0, googleStrategyRequire); index = passportConfig.indexOf('passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {'); passportConfig.splice(index + 6, 0, googleStrategy); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // Add Google to views/account/login.jade loginTemplate.push(googleButton); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // Add Google to views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' h3 Linked Accounts'); profileTemplate.splice(index + 1, 0, googleLinkUnlink); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // Add Google to models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' tokens: Array,'); userModel.splice(index - 1, 0, googleModel); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); // Add Google to app.js index = app.indexOf(' * OAuth routes for sign-in.'); app.splice(index + 3, 0, googleRoutes); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); console.log('✓ Google authentication has been added.'.info); } else { console.log('✓ Google authentication is already active.'.data); } } else { // Remove Google from config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf(googleStrategyRequire); passportConfig.splice(index, 1); index = passportConfig.indexOf('// Sign in with Google.'); passportConfig.splice(index, 46); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // Remove Google from views/account/login.jade index = loginTemplate.indexOf(" a.btn.btn-block.btn-google-plus.btn-social(href='/auth/google')"); loginTemplate.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove Google from views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' if'); profileTemplate.splice(index - 1, 5); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove Google from models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' google: String,'); userModel.splice(index, 1); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); // Remove Google from app.js index = app.indexOf("app.get('/auth/google', passport.authenticate('google', { scope: 'profile email' }));"); app.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); console.log('✗ Google authentication has been removed.'.error); } //////////////////////////// // Twitter Authentication // //////////////////////////// var twitterRoutes = M(function() { /*** app.get('/auth/twitter', passport.authenticate('twitter')); app.get('/auth/twitter/callback', passport.authenticate('twitter', { failureRedirect: '/login' }), function(req, res) { res.redirect(req.session.returnTo || '/'); }); ***/ }); var twitterStrategyRequire = "var TwitterStrategy = require('passport-twitter').Strategy;"; var twitterStrategy = M(function() { /*** // Sign in with Twitter. passport.use(new TwitterStrategy(secrets.twitter, function(req, accessToken, tokenSecret, profile, done) { if (req.user) { User.findOne({ twitter: }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already a Twitter account that belongs to you. Sign in with that account or delete it, then link it with your current account.' }); done(err); } else { User.findById(, function(err, user) { user.twitter =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'twitter', accessToken: accessToken, tokenSecret: tokenSecret }); = || profile.displayName; user.profile.location = user.profile.location || profile._json.location; user.profile.picture = user.profile.picture || profile._json.profile_image_url; { req.flash('info', { msg: 'Twitter account has been linked.' }); done(err, user); }); }); } }); } else { User.findOne({ twitter: }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser); var user = new User(); // Twitter will not provide an email address. Period. // But a person’s twitter username is guaranteed to be unique // so we can "fake" a twitter email address as follows: = profile.username + ""; user.twitter =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'twitter', accessToken: accessToken, tokenSecret: tokenSecret }); = profile.displayName; user.profile.location = profile._json.location; user.profile.picture = profile._json.profile_image_url; { done(err, user); }); }); } })); ***/ }); var twitterButton = M(function() { /*** a.btn.btn-block.btn-google-plus.btn-social(href='/auth/google') i.fa.fa-google-plus | Sign in with Google ***/ }); var twitterLinkUnlink = M(function() { /*** if p: a.text-danger(href='/account/unlink/google') Unlink your Google account else p: a(href='/auth/google') Link your Google account ***/ }); var twitterModel = ' twitter: String,'; if (_.contains(answer.auth, 'Twitter')) { if (passportConfig.indexOf(twitterStrategyRequire) < 0) { // config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf("var passport = require('passport');"); passportConfig.splice(index + 1, 0, twitterStrategyRequire); index = passportConfig.indexOf('passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {'); passportConfig.splice(index + 6, 0, twitterStrategy); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // views/account/login.jade loginTemplate.push(twitterButton); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' h3 Linked Accounts'); profileTemplate.splice(index + 1, 0, twitterLinkUnlink); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' tokens: Array,'); userModel.splice(index - 1, 0, twitterModel); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); // Add Twitter to app.js index = app.indexOf(' * OAuth routes for sign-in.'); app.splice(index + 3, 0, twitterRoutes); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); console.log('✓ Twitter authentication has been added.'.info); } else { console.log('✓ Twitter authentication is already active.'.data); } } else { // Remove Twitter from config/passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf(twitterStrategyRequire); passportConfig.splice(index, 1); index = passportConfig.indexOf('// Sign in with Twitter.'); passportConfig.splice(index, 43); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // Remove Twitter from views/account/login.jade index = loginTemplate.indexOf(" a.btn.btn-block.btn-twitter.btn-social(href='/auth/twitter')"); loginTemplate.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove Twitter from views/account/profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' if user.twitter'); profileTemplate.splice(index - 1, 5); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove Twitter from models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' twitter: String,'); userModel.splice(index, 1); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); // Remove Twitter from app.js index = app.indexOf("app.get('/auth/twitter', passport.authenticate('twitter'));"); app.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); console.log('✗ Twitter authentication has been removed.'.error); } ///////////////////////////// // LinkedIn Authentication // ///////////////////////////// var linkedinRoutes = M(function() { /*** app.get('/auth/linkedin', passport.authenticate('linkedin', { state: 'SOME STATE' })); app.get('/auth/linkedin/callback', passport.authenticate('linkedin', { failureRedirect: '/login' }), function(req, res) { res.redirect(req.session.returnTo || '/'); }); ***/ }); var linkedinStrategyRequire = "var LinkedInStrategy = require('passport-linkedin-oauth2').Strategy;"; var linkedinStrategy = M(function() { /*** // Sign in with LinkedIn. passport.use(new LinkedInStrategy(secrets.linkedin, function(req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) { if (req.user) { User.findOne({ $or: [ { linkedin: }, { email: profile._json.emailAddress } ] }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already a LinkedIn account that belongs to you. Sign in with that account or delete it, then link it with your current account.' }); done(err); } else { User.findById(, function(err, user) { user.linkedin =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'linkedin', accessToken: accessToken }); = || profile.displayName; user.profile.location = user.profile.location ||; user.profile.picture = user.profile.picture || profile._json.pictureUrl; = || profile._json.publicProfileUrl; { req.flash('info', { msg: 'LinkedIn account has been linked.' }); done(err, user); }); }); } }); } else { User.findOne({ linkedin: }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser); User.findOne({ email: profile._json.emailAddress }, function(err, existingEmailUser) { if (existingEmailUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already an account using this email address. Sign in to that account and link it with LinkedIn manually from Account Settings.' }); done(err); } else { var user = new User(); user.linkedin =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'linkedin', accessToken: accessToken }); = profile._json.emailAddress; = profile.displayName; user.profile.location =; user.profile.picture = profile._json.pictureUrl; = profile._json.publicProfileUrl; { done(err, user); }); } }); }); } })); ***/ }); var linkedinButton = M(function() { /*** a.btn.btn-block.btn-linkedin.btn-social(href='/auth/linkedin') i.fa.fa-linkedin | Sign in with LinkedIn ***/ }); var linkedinLinkUnlink = M(function() { /*** if user.linkedin p: a.text-danger(href='/account/unlink/linkedin') Unlink your LinkedIn account else p: a(href='/auth/linkedin') Link your LinkedIn account ***/ }); var linkedinModel = ' linkedin: String,'; if (_.contains(answer.auth, 'LinkedIn')) { if (passportConfig.indexOf(linkedinStrategyRequire) < 0) { // Add LinkedIn to passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf("var passport = require('passport');"); passportConfig.splice(index + 1, 0, linkedinStrategyRequire); index = passportConfig.indexOf('passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {'); passportConfig.splice(index + 6, 0, linkedinStrategy); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // Add LinkedIn to login.jade loginTemplate.push(linkedinButton); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // Add LinkedIn to profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' h3 Linked Accounts'); profileTemplate.splice(index + 1, 0, linkedinLinkUnlink); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // Add LinkedIn to models/User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' tokens: Array,'); userModel.splice(index - 1, 0, linkedinModel); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); // Add LinkedIn to app.js index = app.indexOf(' * OAuth routes for sign-in.'); app.splice(index + 3, 0, linkedinRoutes); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); console.log('✓ LinkedIn authentication has been added.'.info); } else { console.log('✓ LinkedIn authentication is already active.'.data); } } else { // Check if we have LinkedIn authentication to begin with. if (passportConfig.indexOf(linkedinStrategyRequire) < 0) return; // Removed LinkedIn from passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf(linkedinStrategyRequire); passportConfig.splice(index, 1); index = passportConfig.indexOf('// Sign in with LinkedIn.'); passportConfig.splice(index, 51); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // Remove LinkedIn from login.jade index = loginTemplate.indexOf(" a.btn.btn-block.btn-linkedin.btn-social(href='/auth/linkedin')"); loginTemplate.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove LinkedIn from profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' if user.linkedin'); profileTemplate.splice(index - 1, 5); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove LinkedIn from app.js index = app.indexOf("app.get('/auth/linkedin', passport.authenticate('linkedin', { state: 'SOME STATE' }));"); app.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); // Remove LinkedIn from User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' linkedin: String,'); userModel.splice(index, 1); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); console.log('✗ LinkedIn authentication has been removed.'.error); } ////////////////////////////// // Instagram Authentication // ////////////////////////////// var instagramRoutes = M(function() { /*** app.get('/auth/instagram', passport.authenticate('instagram')); app.get('/auth/instagram/callback', passport.authenticate('instagram', { failureRedirect: '/login' }), function(req, res) { res.redirect(req.session.returnTo || '/'); }); ***/ }); var instagramSecrets = M(function() { /*** instagram: { clientID: process.env.INSTAGRAM_ID || 'Your Client ID', clientSecret: process.env.INSTAGRAM_SECRET || 'Your Client Secret', callbackURL: '/auth/instagram/callback', passReqToCallback: true }, ***/ }); var instagramStrategyRequire = "var InstagramStrategy = require('passport-instagram').Strategy;"; var instagramStrategy = M(function() { /*** // Sign in with Instagram. passport.use(new InstagramStrategy(secrets.instagram,function(req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) { if (req.user) { User.findOne({ $or: [{ instagram: }, { email: }] }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) { req.flash('errors', { msg: 'There is already an Instagram account that belongs to you. Sign in with that account or delete it, then link it with your current account.' }); done(err); } else { User.findById(, function(err, user) { user.instagram =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'instagram', accessToken: accessToken }); = || profile.displayName; user.profile.picture = user.profile.picture ||; = ||; { req.flash('info', { msg: 'Instagram account has been linked.' }); done(err, user); }); }); } }); } else { User.findOne({ instagram: }, function(err, existingUser) { if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser); var user = new User(); user.instagram =; user.tokens.push({ kind: 'instagram', accessToken: accessToken }); = profile.displayName; = ''; =; user.profile.picture =; { done(err, user); }); }); } })); ***/ }); var instagramButton = M(function() { /*** a.btn.btn-block.btn-instagram.btn-social(href='/auth/instagram') i.fa.fa-instagram | Sign in with Instagram ***/ }); var instagramLinkUnlink = M(function() { /*** if user.instagram p: a.text-danger(href='/account/unlink/instagram') Unlink your Instagram account else p: a(href='/auth/instagram') Link your Instagram account ***/ }); var instagramModel = ' instagram: String,'; if (_.contains(answer.auth, 'Instagram')) { if (passportConfig.indexOf(instagramStrategyRequire) < 0) { // Add Instagram to passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf("var passport = require('passport');"); passportConfig.splice(index + 1, 0, instagramStrategyRequire); index = passportConfig.indexOf('passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {'); passportConfig.splice(index + 6, 0, instagramStrategy); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // Add Instagram to login.jade loginTemplate.push(instagramButton); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // Add Instagram to profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' h3 Linked Accounts'); profileTemplate.splice(index + 1, 0, instagramLinkUnlink); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // Add Instagram to User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' tokens: Array,'); userModel.splice(index - 1, 0, instagramModel); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); // Add Instagram to app.js index = app.indexOf(' * OAuth routes for sign-in.'); app.splice(index + 3, 0, instagramRoutes); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); // Add Instagram to secrets.js index = secrets.indexOf('module.exports = {'); secrets.splice(index + 1, 0, instagramSecrets); fs.writeFileSync(secretsFile, secrets.join('\n')); console.log('✓ Instagram authentication has been added.'.info); } else { console.log('✓ Instagram authentication is already active.'.data); } } else { if (passportConfig.indexOf(instagramStrategyRequire) < 0) return; // Remove Instagram from passport.js index = passportConfig.indexOf(instagramStrategyRequire); passportConfig.splice(index, 1); index = passportConfig.indexOf('// Sign in with Instagram.'); passportConfig.splice(index, 40); fs.writeFileSync(passportConfigFile, passportConfig.join('\n')); // Remove Instagram from login.jade index = loginTemplate.indexOf(" a.btn.btn-block.btn-instagram.btn-social(href='/auth/instagram')"); loginTemplate.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(loginTemplateFile, loginTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove Instagram from profile.jade index = profileTemplate.indexOf(' if user.instagram'); profileTemplate.splice(index - 1, 5); fs.writeFileSync(profileTemplateFile, profileTemplate.join('\n')); // Remove Instagram from app.js index = app.indexOf("app.get('/auth/instagram', passport.authenticate('instagram'));"); app.splice(index, 4); fs.writeFileSync(appFile, app.join('\n')); // Remove Instagram from secrets.js index = secrets.indexOf(' instagram: {'); secrets.splice(index, 7); fs.writeFileSync(secretsFile, secrets.join('\n')); // Remove Instagram from User.js index = userModel.indexOf(' instagram: String,'); userModel.splice(index, 1); fs.writeFileSync(userModelFile, userModel.join('\n')); console.log('✗ Instagram authentication has been removed.'.error); } }); } });