import { helpers, Observable } from 'rx'; const throwForJsHtml = { ext: /js|html/, throwers: [ { name: 'multiline-comment', description: 'Detect if a JS multi-line comment is left open', thrower: function checkForComments({ contents }) { const openingComments = contents.match(/\/\*/gi); const closingComments = contents.match(/\*\//gi); if ( openingComments && (!closingComments || openingComments.length > closingComments.length) ) { throw new Error('SyntaxError: Unfinished multi-line comment'); } } }, { name: 'nested-jQuery', description: 'Nested dollar sign calls breaks browsers', detectUnsafeJQ: /\$\s*?\(\s*?\$\s*?\)/gi, thrower: function checkForNestedJquery({ contents }) { if (contents.match(this.detectUnsafeJQ)) { throw new Error('Unsafe $($)'); } } }, { name: 'unfinished-function', description: 'lonely function keywords breaks browsers', detectFunctionCall: /function\s*?\(|function\s+\w+\s*?\(/gi, thrower: function checkForUnfinishedFunction({ contents }) { if ( contents.match(/function/g) && !contents.match(this.detectFunctionCall) ) { throw new Error( 'SyntaxError: Unsafe or unfinished function declaration' ); } } }, { name: 'unsafe console call', description: 'console call stops tests scripts from running', detectUnsafeConsoleCall: /if\s\(null\)\sconsole\.log\(1\);/gi, thrower: function checkForUnsafeConsole({ contents }) { if (contents.match(this.detectUnsafeConsoleCall)) { throw new Error('Invalid if (null) console.log(1); detected'); } } } ] }; export default function throwers() { const source = this; return$ => file$.flatMap(file => { if (!throwForJsHtml.ext.test(file.ext)) { return Observable.just(file); } return Observable.from(throwForJsHtml.throwers) .flatMap(context => { try { let finalObs; const maybeObservableOrPromise = context.thrower(file); if (helpers.isPromise(maybeObservableOrPromise)) { finalObs = Observable.fromPromise(maybeObservableOrPromise); } else if (Observable.isObservable(maybeObservableOrPromise)) { finalObs = maybeObservableOrPromise; } else { finalObs = Observable.just(maybeObservableOrPromise); } return finalObs; } catch (err) { return Observable.throw(err); } }) // if none of the throwers throw, wait for last one .last({ defaultValue: null }) // then map to the original file .map(file) // if err add it to the file // and return file .catch(err => { file.error = err; return Observable.just(file); }); })); }