const path = require('path'); const fs = require('fs'); const { translationsSchema } = require('./translations-schema'); const { availableLangs } = require('./allLangs'); const { trendingSchema } = require('./trending-schema'); const { motivationSchema } = require('./motivation-schema'); const { introSchema } = require('./intro-schema'); /** * Flattens a nested object structure into a single * object with property chains as keys. * @param {Object} obj Object to flatten * @param {String} namespace Used for property chaining */ const flattenAnObject = (obj, namespace = '') => { const flattened = {}; Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => { if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) { flattened[namespace ? `${namespace}.${key}` : key] = obj[key]; } else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') { Object.assign( flattened, flattenAnObject(obj[key], namespace ? `${namespace}.${key}` : key) ); } else { flattened[namespace ? `${namespace}.${key}` : key] = obj[key]; } }); return flattened; }; /** * Checks if a translation object is missing keys * that are present in the schema. * @param {String[]} file Array of translation object's keys * @param {String[]} schema Array of matching schema's keys * @param {String} path string path to file */ const findMissingKeys = (file, schema, path) => { const missingKeys = []; for (const key of schema) { if (!file.includes(key)) { missingKeys.push(key); } } if (missingKeys.length) { throw new Error( `${path} is missing these required keys: ${missingKeys.join(', ')}` ); } }; /** * Checks if a translation object has extra * keys which are NOT present in the schema. * @param {String[]} file Array of translation object's keys * @param {String[]} schema Array of matching schema's keys * @param {String} path string path to file */ const findExtraneousKeys = (file, schema, path) => { const extraKeys = []; for (const key of file) { if (!schema.includes(key)) { extraKeys.push(key); } } if (extraKeys.length) { throw new Error( `${path} has these keys that are not in the schema: ${extraKeys.join( ', ' )}` ); } }; /** * Validates that all values in the object are non-empty. Includes * validation of nested objects. * @param {Object} obj The object to check the values of * @param {String} namespace String for tracking nested properties */ const noEmptyObjectValues = (obj, namespace = '') => { const emptyKeys = []; for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { if (Array.isArray(obj[key])) { if (!obj[key].length) { emptyKeys.push(namespace ? `${namespace}.${key}` : key); } } else if (typeof obj[key] === 'object') { emptyKeys.push( noEmptyObjectValues(obj[key], namespace ? `${namespace}.${key}` : key) ); } else if (!obj[key]) { emptyKeys.push(namespace ? `${namespace}.${key}` : key); } } return emptyKeys.flat(); }; /** * Grab the schema keys once, to avoid overhead of * fetching within iterative function. */ const translationSchemaKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(translationsSchema)); const trendingSchemaKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(trendingSchema)); const motivationSchemaKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(motivationSchema)); const introSchemaKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(introSchema)); /** * Function that checks the translations.json file * for each available client language. * @param {String[]} languages List of languages to test */ const translationSchemaValidation = languages => { languages.forEach(language => { const filePath = path.join( __dirname, `/locales/${language}/translations.json` ); const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath); const fileJson = JSON.parse(fileData); const fileKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(fileJson)); findMissingKeys( fileKeys, translationSchemaKeys, `${language}/translations.json` ); findExtraneousKeys( fileKeys, translationSchemaKeys, `${language}/translations.json` ); const emptyKeys = noEmptyObjectValues(fileJson); if (emptyKeys.length) { throw new Error( `${language}/translation.json has these empty keys: ${emptyKeys.join( ', ' )}` ); }`${language} translation.json is correct!`); }); }; /** * Function that checks the trending.json file * for each available client language. * @param {String[]} languages List of languages to test */ const trendingSchemaValidation = languages => { languages.forEach(language => { const filePath = path.join(__dirname, `/locales/${language}/trending.json`); const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath); const fileJson = JSON.parse(fileData); const fileKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(fileJson)); findMissingKeys(fileKeys, trendingSchemaKeys, `${language}/trending.json`); findExtraneousKeys( fileKeys, trendingSchemaKeys, `${language}/trending.json` ); const emptyKeys = noEmptyObjectValues(fileJson); if (emptyKeys.length) { throw new Error( `${language}/trending.json has these empty keys: ${emptyKeys.join( ', ' )}` ); }`${language} trending.json is correct!`); }); }; const motivationSchemaValidation = languages => { languages.forEach(language => { const filePath = path.join( __dirname, `/locales/${language}/motivation.json` ); const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath); const fileJson = JSON.parse(fileData); const fileKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(fileJson)); findMissingKeys( fileKeys, motivationSchemaKeys, `${language}/motivation.json` ); findExtraneousKeys( fileKeys, motivationSchemaKeys, `${language}/motivation.json` ); const emptyKeys = noEmptyObjectValues(fileJson); if (emptyKeys.length) { throw new Error( `${language}/motivation.json has these empty keys: ${emptyKeys.join( ', ' )}` ); } // Special line to assert that objects in motivational quote are correct if ( !fileJson.motivationalQuotes.every( object => object.hasOwnProperty('quote') && object.hasOwnProperty('author') ) ) { throw new Error( `${language}/motivation.json has malformed quote objects.` ); }`${language} motivation.json is correct!`); }); }; /** * Function that checks the intro.json file * for each available client language. * @param {String[]} languages List of languages to test */ const introSchemaValidation = languages => { languages.forEach(language => { const filePath = path.join(__dirname, `/locales/${language}/intro.json`); const fileData = fs.readFileSync(filePath); const fileJson = JSON.parse(fileData); const fileKeys = Object.keys(flattenAnObject(fileJson)); findMissingKeys(fileKeys, introSchemaKeys, `${language}/intro.json`); findExtraneousKeys(fileKeys, introSchemaKeys, `${language}/intro.json`); const emptyKeys = noEmptyObjectValues(fileJson); if (emptyKeys.length) { throw new Error( `${language}/intro.json has these empty keys: ${emptyKeys.join(', ')}` ); }`${language} intro.json is correct!`); }); }; translationSchemaValidation(availableLangs.client); trendingSchemaValidation(availableLangs.client); motivationSchemaValidation(availableLangs.client); introSchemaValidation(availableLangs.client);