import Stripe from 'stripe'; import keys from '../../../config/secrets'; export default function donateBoot(app, done) { let stripe = false; const { User } = app.models; const api = app.loopback.Router(); const donateRouter = app.loopback.Router(); const subscriptionPlans = [500, 1000, 3500, 5000, 25000].reduce( (accu, current) => ({ ...accu, [current]: { amount: current, interval: 'month', product: { name: 'Monthly Donation to - ' + `Thank you ($${current / 100})` }, currency: 'usd', id: `monthly-donation-${current}` } }), {} ); function connectToStripe() { return new Promise(function(resolve) { // connect to stripe API stripe = Stripe(keys.stripe.secret); // parse stripe plans stripe.plans.list({}, function(err, plans) { if (err) { throw err; } const requiredPlans = Object.keys(subscriptionPlans).map( key => subscriptionPlans[key].id ); const availablePlans = =>; requiredPlans.forEach(planId => { if (!availablePlans.includes(planId)) { const key = planId.split('-').slice(-1)[0]; createStripePlan(subscriptionPlans[key]); } }); }); resolve(); }); } function createStripePlan(plan) { stripe.plans.create(plan, function(err) { if (err) { console.log(err); throw err; } console.log(`${} created`); return; }); } function createStripeDonation(req, res) { const { user, body } = req; if (!body || !body.amount) { return res.status(400).send({ error: 'Amount Required' }); } const { amount, token: {email, id} } = body; const fccUser = user ? Promise.resolve(user) : User.create$({ email }).toPromise(); let donatingUser = {}; let donation = { email, amount, provider: 'stripe', startDate: new Date( }; return fccUser.then( user => { donatingUser = user; return stripe.customers .create({ email, card: id }); }) .then(customer => { donation.customerId =; return stripe.subscriptions.create({ customer:, items: [ { plan: `monthly-donation-${amount}` } ] }); }) .then(subscription => { donation.subscriptionId =; return res.send(subscription); }) .then(() => { donatingUser.createDonation(donation).toPromise() .catch(err => { throw new Error(err); }); }) .catch(err => { if (err.type === 'StripeCardError') { return res.status(402).send({ error: err.message }); } return res.status(500).send({ error: 'Donation Failed' }); }); } const pubKey = keys.stripe.public; const secKey = keys.stripe.secret; const secretInvalid = !secKey || secKey === 'sk_from_stipe_dashboard'; const publicInvalid = !pubKey || pubKey === 'pk_from_stipe_dashboard'; if (secretInvalid || publicInvalid) { if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') { throw new Error('Stripe API keys are required to boot the server!'); }'No Stripe API keys were found, moving on...'); done(); } else {'/charge-stripe', createStripeDonation); donateRouter.use('/donate', api); app.use(donateRouter); app.use('/external', donateRouter); connectToStripe().then(done); } }