--- title: CSS3 :not() pseudo-class --- ## CSS3 :not() pseudo-class When it comes to styling elements, CSS has powerful ways to apply styling to particular elements. By using *pseudo-classes* we can select the elements we want and apply styles accordingly. The most powerful of these pseudo-classes is `:not()`. It is different from the other pseudo-classes. It's known as a **functional pseudo-class**. This is because it takes a single argument like functions in programming languages such as JavaScript do. This argument has to be a simple selector like an element type, class name, ID or another pseudo-class. Compound selectors like `label.message` or complex selectors like `div p` will not work. It returns all elements except the one that matches the selector in the argument. For example if we use the following selector: ```css img:not(.info) {...} ``` it will match all images except the one that has the class of **info**. --- Let's say we have the following HTML where we only want to select `
  • ` items that *do not* contain the class of *online*: ```html

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