extends ../layout block content .text-center h2 New to Free Code Camp? br .button-spacer | Sign up now: a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-social.btn-primary(href='/email-signup') i.fa.fa-envelope | Sign up with Email a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-social.btn-github(href='/auth/github') i.fa.fa-github | Sign up with GitHub .spacer hr .spacer h2 Are you a returning camper? br .button-spacer | Sign in with one of these options: a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-social.btn-primary(href='/email-signin') i.fa.fa-envelope | Sign in with Email a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-social.btn-github(href='/auth/github') i.fa.fa-github | Sign in with GitHub br p a(href="/deprecated-signin") Click here if you previously signed in using a different method. script. $(document).ready(function() { var method = localStorage.getItem('lastSigninMethod'), btnSelector = 'a.btn.btn-lg.btn-block.btn-social'; if (method) { try { var obj = JSON.parse(method); } catch(e) { console.error('Invalid sign in object stored', method); return; } $.each($(btnSelector), function(i, item) { if ( $(item).text() === obj.method && $(item).hasClass(obj.methodClass) ) { $(item).addClass('active'); $(item).attr('title', 'This is your last signin method'); return false; } }); } $(btnSelector).click(function() { var obj = {}; $(this).removeClass('active'); obj.methodClass = $(this).attr('class').split(' ').pop(); obj.method = $(this).text(); if(obj.method === "Sign in with Email" || obj.method === "Sign in with GitHub") { localStorage.setItem('lastSigninMethod', JSON.stringify(obj)); } else { localStorage.removeItem('lastSigninMethod'); } }); });