{ "name": "React", "order": 5, "time": "5 hours", "helpRoom": "Help", "challenges": [ { "id": "587d7dbc367417b2b2512bb1", "title": "Introduction to the React Challenges", "description": [ [ "", "", "React is a JavaScript library designed to make it easier to build complex user interfaces. React does this in a few ways:

  1. React allows HTML to render from a JavaScript file.
  2. React breaks a website's parts into Components that can then be combined to build pages.
  3. React Components can pass data to each other as properties

React uses a virtual Document Object Model. Instead of changing the DOM directly, React makes a simplified copy of the DOM (the virtual DOM) when the page loads. This allows React to make changes to elements on the page without re-rendering the entire page. This can improve the responsiveness and functionality of single-page applications.

While not part of the React library and not required, JSX is often paired with React. JSX is a preprocessor for JavaScript written in a syntax akin to XML that results in more readable code.

Fun fact:freeCodeCamp is built using React.", "" ], [ "", "", "The React challenges have not been ported into freeCodeCamp yet. You can visit this link to work through the alpha version of these challenges. If you have feedback, you can open an issue (or pull request) directly on this repository.", "" ] ], "releasedOn": "", "challengeSeed": [], "tests": [], "type": "Waypoint", "challengeType": 7, "isRequired": false, "titleEs": "", "descriptionEs": [ [] ], "titleFr": "", "descriptionFr": [ [] ], "titleDe": "", "descriptionDe": [ [] ] } ] }