import unused from './es6-shims'; // eslint-disable-line import Rx from 'rx'; import React from 'react'; import Fetchr from 'fetchr'; import debugFactory from 'debug'; import { Router } from 'react-router'; import { createLocation, createHistory } from 'history'; import { hydrate } from 'thundercats'; import { Render } from 'thundercats-react'; import { app$ } from '../common/app'; const debug = debugFactory('fcc:client'); const DOMContianer = document.getElementById('fcc'); const catState = || {}; const services = new Fetchr({ xhrPath: '/services' }); Rx.config.longStackSupport = !!debug.enabled; const history = createHistory(); const appLocation = createLocation( location.pathname + ); function location$(history) { return Rx.Observable.create(function(observer) { const dispose = history.listen(function(location) { observer.onNext(location.pathname); }); return Rx.Disposable.create(() => { dispose(); }); }); } // returns an observable app$({ history, location: appLocation }) .flatMap( ({ AppCat }) => { // instantiate the cat with service const appCat = AppCat(null, services); // hydrate the stores return hydrate(appCat, catState) .map(() => appCat); }, // not using nextLocation at the moment but will be used for // redirects in the future ({ nextLocation, props }, appCat) => ({ nextLocation, props, appCat }) ) .doOnNext(({ appCat }) => { const appActions = appCat.getActions('appActions'); location$(history) .pluck('pathname') .distinctUntilChanged() .doOnNext(route => debug('route change', route)) .subscribe(route => appActions.updateRoute(route)); appActions.goBack.subscribe(function() { history.goBack(); }); appActions .updateRoute .pluck('route') .doOnNext(route => debug('update route', route)) .subscribe(function(route) { history.pushState(null, route); }); }) .flatMap(({ props, appCat }) => { props.history = history; return Render( appCat, React.createElement(Router, props), DOMContianer ); }) .subscribe( () => { debug('react rendered'); }, err => { throw err; }, () => { debug('react closed subscription'); } );