--- id: 8d1923c8c441eddfaeb5bdef title: Size of the Set challengeType: 1 --- ## Description
In this exercise we are going to create a size function for our Set. This function should be named this.size and it should return the size of the collection.
## Instructions
## Tests
```yml tests: - text: Your Set class should have a size method. testString: assert((function(){var test = new Set(); return (typeof test.size === 'function')}()), 'Your Set class should have a size method.'); - text: The size method should return the number of elements in the collection. testString: assert((function(){var test = new Set(); test.add('a');test.add('b');test.remove('a');return (test.size() === 1)}()), 'The size method should return the number of elements in the collection.'); ```
## Challenge Seed
```js function Set() { // the var collection will hold the set var collection = []; // this method will check for the presence of an element and return true or false this.has = function(element) { return (collection.indexOf(element) !== -1); }; // this method will return all the values in the set this.values = function() { return collection; }; // this method will add an element to the set this.add = function(element) { if(!this.has(element)){ collection.push(element); return true; } return false; }; // this method will remove an element from a set this.remove = function(element) { if(this.has(element)){ var index = collection.indexOf(element); collection.splice(index,1); return true; } return false; }; // change code below this line // change code above this line } ```
## Solution
```js function Set() {var collection = []; this.has = function(e){return(collection.indexOf(e) !== -1);};this.values = function() {return collection;};this.add = function(element) {if (!this.has(element)) {collection.push(element);return true;} else {return false;}};this.remove = function(element) {if(this.has(element)) {var i = collection.indexOf(element);collection.splice(i, 1);return true;}return false;};this.size = function() {return collection.length;};} ```