extends ../layout block content .jumbotron.negative-15.text-center h1.hug-top Free Code Camp Stats .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Days since we Launched: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = daysRunning .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Nonprofit Projects: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 a(href="https://trello.com/b/BA3xVpz9/nonprofit-projects") 14 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Total users: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = users .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 2 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c2 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 4 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c4 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 9 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c9 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 19 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c19 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 29 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c29 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 39 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c39 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 49 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c49 .row .col-xs-6.text-right h2 Users with > 59 Points: .col-xs-6.text-left h2 = c59