import dedent from 'dedent'; import debugFactory from 'debug'; import { pick } from 'lodash'; import { Observable } from 'rx'; import { homeLocation } from '../../../config/env'; import { getProgress, normaliseUserFields, userPropsForSession } from '../utils/publicUserProps'; import { fixCompletedChallengeItem } from '../../common/utils'; import { ifNoUser401, ifNoUserRedirectTo } from '../utils/middleware'; import { removeCookies } from '../utils/getSetAccessToken'; const log = debugFactory('fcc:boot:user'); const sendNonUserToHome = ifNoUserRedirectTo(homeLocation); function bootUser(app) { const api = app.loopback.Router(); const getSessionUser = createReadSessionUser(app); const postReportUserProfile = createPostReportUserProfile(app); const postDeleteAccount = createPostDeleteAccount(app); api.get('/account', sendNonUserToHome, getAccount); api.get('/account/unlink/:social', sendNonUserToHome, getUnlinkSocial); api.get('/user/get-session-user', getSessionUser);'/account/delete', ifNoUser401, postDeleteAccount);'/account/reset-progress', ifNoUser401, postResetProgress);'/user/report-user/', ifNoUser401, postReportUserProfile); app.use(api); } function createReadSessionUser(app) { const { Donation } = app.models; return function getSessionUser(req, res, next) { const queryUser = req.user; const source = queryUser && Observable.forkJoin( queryUser.getCompletedChallenges$(), queryUser.getPoints$(), Donation.getCurrentActiveDonationCount$(), (completedChallenges, progressTimestamps, activeDonations) => ({ activeDonations, completedChallenges, progress: getProgress(progressTimestamps, queryUser.timezone) }) ); Observable.if( () => !queryUser, Observable.of({ user: {}, result: '' }), Observable.defer(() => source) .map(({ activeDonations, completedChallenges, progress }) => ({ user: { ...queryUser.toJSON(), ...progress, completedChallenges: fixCompletedChallengeItem ) }, sessionMeta: { activeDonations } })) .map(({ user, sessionMeta }) => ({ user: { [user.username]: { ...pick(user, userPropsForSession), isEmailVerified: !!user.emailVerified, isGithub: !!user.githubProfile, isLinkedIn: !!user.linkedin, isTwitter: !!user.twitter, isWebsite: !!, ...normaliseUserFields(user), joinDate: } }, sessionMeta, result: user.username })) ).subscribe(user => res.json(user), next); }; } function getAccount(req, res) { const { username } = req.user; return res.redirect('/' + username); } function getUnlinkSocial(req, res, next) { const { user } = req; const { username } = user; let social =; if (!social) { req.flash('danger', 'No social account found'); return res.redirect('/' + username); } social = social.toLowerCase(); const validSocialAccounts = ['twitter', 'linkedin']; if (validSocialAccounts.indexOf(social) === -1) { req.flash('danger', 'Invalid social account'); return res.redirect('/' + username); } if (!user[social]) { req.flash('danger', `No ${social} account associated`); return res.redirect('/' + username); } const query = { where: { provider: social } }; return user.identities(query, function(err, identities) { if (err) { return next(err); } // assumed user identity is unique by provider let identity = identities.shift(); if (!identity) { req.flash('danger', 'No social account found'); return res.redirect('/' + username); } return identity.destroy(function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } const updateData = { [social]: null }; return user.updateAttributes(updateData, err => { if (err) { return next(err); } log(`${social} has been unlinked successfully`); req.flash('info', `You've successfully unlinked your ${social}.`); return res.redirectWithFlash(`${homeLocation}/${username}`); }); }); }); } function postResetProgress(req, res, next) { const { user } = req; return user.updateAttributes( { progressTimestamps: [], currentChallengeId: '', isRespWebDesignCert: false, is2018DataVisCert: false, isFrontEndLibsCert: false, isJsAlgoDataStructCert: false, isApisMicroservicesCert: false, isInfosecQaCert: false, isQaCertV7: false, isInfosecCertV7: false, is2018FullStackCert: false, isFrontEndCert: false, isBackEndCert: false, isDataVisCert: false, isFullStackCert: false, isSciCompPyCertV7: false, isDataAnalysisPyCertV7: false, isMachineLearningPyCertV7: false, completedChallenges: [] }, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } return res.sendStatus(200); } ); } function createPostDeleteAccount(app) { const { User } = app.models; return function postDeleteAccount(req, res, next) { return User.destroyById(, function(err) { if (err) { return next(err); } req.logout(); removeCookies(req, res); return res.sendStatus(200); }); }; } function createPostReportUserProfile(app) { const { Email } = app.models; return function postReportUserProfile(req, res, next) { const { user } = req; const { username } = req.body; const report = req.sanitize('reportDescription').trimTags(); log(username); log(report); if (!username || !report || report === '') { return res.json({ type: 'danger', message: 'Check if you have provided a username and a report' }); } return Email.send$( { type: 'email', to: '', cc:, from: '', subject: `Abuse Report : Reporting ${username}'s profile.`, text: dedent(` Hello Team,\n This is to report the profile of ${username}.\n Report Details:\n ${report}\n\n Reported by: Username: ${user.username} Name: ${} Email: ${}\n Thanks and regards, ${} `) }, err => { if (err) { err.redirectTo = `${homeLocation}/${username}`; return next(err); } return res.json({ typer: 'info', message: `A report was sent to the team with ${} in copy.` }); } ); }; } export default bootUser;