Hackathon Starter ================= A kickstarter for **Node.js** web applications. When I started this project, my primary focus was on **simplicity** and **ease of use**. Anyone who knows a little bit of JavaScript should be able to get started without too much pain. I tried to make it as **generic** and **reusable** as possible to cover most use cases of hackathon web apps, without being too specific. Chances are, you will not need all 4 types of OAuth2 authentication methods, or all 9 API Browser examples. Sadly, there is no step-by-step wizzard to configure the boilerplate code just for your use case. So, use what you need, simply delete what you don't need. ![](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-NikjFtdyOq8/UsCv7URplAI/AAAAAAAADrE/a417u0cZU7Y/w1278-h958-no/Screenshot+2013-12-29+18.27.10.png) Features -------- - Local authentication using Email and Password - OAuth2 authentication via Twitter, Facebook, Google or GitHub - MVC Code Structure - Bootstrap 3 + Flat UI + iOS7 Themes - LESS stylesheets (auto-compiled) - Contact Form (powered by Sendgrid) - Account Management page - 9 API Examples Prerequisites ------------- > - MongoDB > - Node.js > - **Xcode** (Mac OS X) or **Visual Studio** (Windows) Quick Start ----------- [Download the latest release](https://github.com/sahat/hackathon-starter/releases). Then follow these commands to install third-party library dependencies and start the server. ``` cd hackathon-starter-1.0 npm install node app.js ``` Recommended node.js libraries ---------------- - geoip-lite - get location name from IP address. - [node-validator](https://github.com/chriso/node-validator) - input validation and sanitization. Recommended client-side libraries --------------------------------- - [Hover](https://github.com/IanLunn/Hover) - awesome css3 animations on mouse hover. - [platform.js](https://github.com/bestiejs/platform.js) - get client's operating system name, version, and other useful information. - [iCheck](https://github.com/fronteed/iCheck) - custom nice looking radio and check boxes. Contributing ------------ If something is unclear, confusing, or needs to be refactored, please let me know. Pull requests are always welcome, but due to the opinionated nature of this project, I cannot accept every pull request. Please open an issue before submitting a pull request.