var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var jsdom = require('../../lib/jsdom'); var toFileUrl = require('../util').toFileUrl(__dirname); exports.tests = { frame_parent: function(test) { var window = jsdom.jsdom('\ \ ', null, { features : { FetchExternalResources: ['script','iframe'], ProcessExternalResources: ['script','iframe'] } }).createWindow(); window.iframe.onload = function() { test.strictEqual(window.DONE, 1); test.strictEqual(window.PARENT_IS_TOP, true); //insert a script tag to make sure the global set in the iframe is visible //in the parent window context var doc = window.document; var script = doc.createElement('script'); script.textContent = 'results=[aGlobal, DONE, PARENT_IS_TOP]'; doc.body.appendChild(script); //the script is executed asynchronously after insertion to the document, //so setTimeout is needed setTimeout(function(){ test.deepEqual(window.results, [1, 1, true]); test.done(); }, 0); }; }, frame_src_relative_to_parent_doc: function(test) { var window = jsdom.jsdom('\ \ ', null, { url : toFileUrl("test.html"), features : { FetchExternalResources: ['script','iframe'], ProcessExternalResources: ['script','iframe'] } }).createWindow(); window.document.onload = function(){ test.strictEqual(window.LOADED_FRAME, 1); test.strictEqual(window.PARENT_IS_TOP, true); test.done(); }; }, 'test iframe element existence' : function (test) { var iframeParentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(iframeParentPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var elem = doc.getElementById('simpleIFrameID'); test.notEqual(elem, null); test.equal(, 'simpleIFrame'); test.equal(, 'simpleIFrameID'); test.done(); }, 'test iframe.contentDocument access' : function(test) { var iframeParentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(iframeParentPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var iframeElem = doc.getElementById('simpleIFrameID'); test.notEqual(iframeElem, null); var iframeDoc = iframeElem.contentDocument; test.notEqual(iframeDoc, null); test.notStrictEqual(iframeDoc, doc); var iframeDiv = iframeDoc.getElementById('iframeDiv'); test.notEqual(iframeDiv, null); test.equal(iframeDiv.innerHTML, "Initial Text"); test.done(); }); }, 'test iframe load event' : function(test) { var doc = jsdom.jsdom(null, null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var iFrame = doc.createElement('iframe'); iFrame.addEventListener('load', function () { test.notEqual(iFrame.contentDocument, null); test.done(); }); iFrame.src = 'files/simple_iframe.html'; // Must insert into doc to force load. doc.documentElement.appendChild(iFrame); }, 'iframe loads blank document when src unspecified' : function(test) { var doc = jsdom.jsdom(null); var iFrame = doc.createElement('iframe'); iFrame.addEventListener('load', function () { test.notEqual(iFrame.contentDocument, null); test.strictEqual(iFrame.contentDocument.readyState, 'complete'); test.done(); }); doc.documentElement.appendChild(iFrame); }, 'test iframe.contentWindow acccess' : function(test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var iframeElem = doc.getElementById('simpleIFrameID'); test.notEqual(iframeElem, null); var iframeDoc = iframeElem.contentDocument; test.notEqual(iframeDoc, null); var iframeWindow = iframeElem.contentWindow; test.notStrictEqual(iframeWindow, doc.parentWindow); test.equal(iframeWindow, iframeDoc.parentWindow); test.done(); }); }, 'get iframe window via indexed frames access' : function(test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var window = doc.parentWindow; var iframeWindow = window.frames[0]; test.notEqual(iframeWindow, null); test.notStrictEqual(iframeWindow, window); test.strictEqual(iframeWindow.parent, window); var iframeDoc = iframeWindow.document; test.notStrictEqual(iframeWindow.document, window.document); test.notEqual(iframeWindow.document.getElementById('iframeDiv'), null); test.done(); }); }, 'get iframe window via indexed frames access with setAttributeNode' : function(test) { var doc = jsdom.jsdom("", null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var iframe = doc.getElementById('simpleIFrameID'); var attr = doc.createAttribute('src'); attr.value = 'files/simple_iframe.html'; iframe.setAttributeNode(attr); iframe.addEventListener('load', function () { var window = doc.parentWindow; var iframeWindow = window.frames[0]; test.notEqual(iframeWindow, null); test.notStrictEqual(iframeWindow, window); test.strictEqual(iframeWindow.parent, window); var iframeDoc = iframeWindow.document; test.notStrictEqual(iframeWindow.document, window.document); test.notEqual(iframeWindow.document.getElementById('iframeDiv'), null); test.done(); }); }, 'update named frames access on name change' : function(test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var window = doc.parentWindow; var iframeWindow = window.frames['simpleIFrame']; test.notEqual(iframeWindow, null); test.notStrictEqual(iframeWindow, window); test.strictEqual(iframeWindow.parent, window); doc.getElementById('simpleIFrameID').setAttribute('name', 'otherSimpleIFrame'); test.ok(!window.frames['simpleIFrame'], 'remove old named property'); test.ok(window.frames['otherSimpleIFrame'], 'add new named property'); test.done(); }); }, // See: 'test frames array identity' : function(test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var window = doc.parentWindow; test.strictEqual(window.frames, window); test.done(); }); }, 'test nested iframes' : function (test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var window = doc.parentWindow; doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var topIFrameElem = doc.getElementById('simpleIFrameID'); var topIFrameDoc = topIFrameElem.contentDocument; var topIFrameWindow = topIFrameElem.contentWindow; var bottomIFrameElem = topIFrameDoc.createElement('iframe'); bottomIFrameElem.addEventListener('load', function () { var bottomIFrameDoc = bottomIFrameElem.contentDocument; test.notEqual(bottomIFrameDoc, null); var bottomIFrameWindow = bottomIFrameDoc.parentWindow; test.notEqual(bottomIFrameWindow, null); // The real tests test.strictEqual(bottomIFrameWindow.parent, topIFrameWindow); test.strictEqual(, window); test.strictEqual(topIFrameWindow.parent, window); test.strictEqual(, window); test.strictEqual(window.frames[0], topIFrameWindow); test.strictEqual(topIFrameWindow.frames[0], bottomIFrameWindow); test.done(); }); bottomIFrameElem.src = 'simple_iframe.html'; topIFrameDoc.documentElement.appendChild(bottomIFrameElem); }); }, 'test multiple iframes' : function (test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'multiple_iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var window = doc.parentWindow; doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var iframe1 = doc.getElementById('frame1ID'); var iframe2 = doc.getElementById('frame2ID'); var iframe3 = doc.getElementById('frame3ID'); test.notEqual(window, iframe1.contentWindow); test.notEqual(window, iframe2.contentWindow); test.notEqual(window, iframe3.contentWindow); test.equal(iframe1.contentWindow.parent, window); test.equal(iframe2.contentWindow.parent, window); test.equal(iframe3.contentWindow.parent, window); test.equal(, window); test.equal(, window); test.equal(, window); test.done(); }); }, 'test named lookup' : function (test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'multiple_iframe_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var window = doc.parentWindow; doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var iframe1 = doc.getElementById('frame1ID'); var iframe2 = doc.getElementById('frame2ID'); var iframe3 = doc.getElementById('frame3ID'); test.equal(window['frame1'], iframe1.contentWindow); test.equal(window['frame2'], iframe2.contentWindow); test.equal(window['frame3'], iframe3.contentWindow); test.done(); }); }, // This is based off of a test from the jQuery test suite that was failing. 'test iframe without src' : function (test) { var doc = jsdom.jsdom(null, null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var window = doc.parentWindow; window.loaded = function () { test.equal(window.testVal, 3); test.done(); }; var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe'); doc.body.appendChild(iframe); var iframeDoc = iframe.contentDocument; test.notEqual(iframeDoc, null);; iframeDoc.write(""); iframeDoc.close(); }, 'test setting src multiple times' : function (test) { var doc = jsdom.jsdom(null, null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'iframe'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var iframe = doc.createElement('iframe'); iframe.addEventListener('load', function () { test.equal(iframe.src, 'files/simple_iframe.html'); test.done(); }); iframe.src = 'garbage'; iframe.src = 'files/simple_iframe.html'; doc.body.appendChild(iframe); }, 'test framesets' : function (test) { var htmlPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'files', 'frameset_parent.html'); var doc = jsdom.jsdom(fs.readFileSync(htmlPath, 'utf8'), null, { features : { FetchExternalResources : ['script', 'frame'], ProcessExternalResources : ['script', 'frame'] }, url : toFileUrl(__filename) }); var window = doc.parentWindow; doc.addEventListener('load', function () { var frame1 = doc.getElementById('frame1ID'); var frame2 = doc.getElementById('frame2ID'); test.notEqual(frame1, null); test.notEqual(frame2, null); var frame1doc = frame1.contentDocument; var frame2doc = frame2.contentDocument; test.notEqual(frame1doc, null); test.notEqual(frame2doc, null); test.strictEqual(frame1.contentWindow, frame1doc.parentWindow); test.strictEqual(frame2.contentWindow, frame2doc.parentWindow); test.strictEqual(window.frames[0], frame1.contentWindow); test.strictEqual(window.frames[1], frame2.contentWindow); test.strictEqual(window.frames['frame1'], frame1.contentWindow); test.strictEqual(window.frames['frame2'], frame2.contentWindow); test.equal(window, frame1.contentWindow.parent); test.equal(window, frame2.contentWindow.parent); test.done(); }); } };