--- title: Box Shadow localeTitle: 盒子阴影 --- ## 盒子阴影 `box-shadow`属性在元素的框架周围附加一个或多个阴影(可以在内部)。它是一个选项,让您有能力轻松设计精彩的阴影效果。框阴影是提升网页视觉效果的绝佳方式。 可以用几个属性描述盒子阴影,包括: * X和Y偏离元素 * 模糊和传播半径 * 颜色 ### 句法: ```css div { box-shadow: none | [inset? && [ ? ? ? ] ]# } ``` * #### inset (default: none) If not specified, the shadow is assumed to be a drop shadow (as if the box were raised above the content). The presence of the `inset` keyword changes the shadow to one inside the frame * #### offset-x offset-y These are two `length` values to set the shadow offset. specifies the horizontal distance. Negative values place the shadow to the left of the element. `offset-y` specifies the vertical distance. Negative values place the shadow above the element. See `length` for possible units. * #### blur-radius (default: 0) This is a third `length` value. The larger this value, the bigger the blur, so the shadow becomes bigger and lighter. Negative values are not allowed. If not specified, it will be 0 (the shadow's edge is sharp). * #### spread-radius (default: 0) This is a fourth value. Positive values will cause the shadow to expand and grow bigger, negative values will cause the shadow to shrink. If not specified, it will be 0 (the shadow will be the same size as the element). * #### color This value is used to set the color of the shadow, usually defined with hex `#000000`, rgba value `rgba(55,89,88,0.8)` or rgb value `rgb(55,89,88)` #### Extended To maximize compatibility, it is recommended that you declare box shadow property for `moz-appearance` and `webkit`, this extends the normal syntax to: ``` CSS DIV { box-shadow:none | \[插图? && \[ ? ? ? \]\]# -moz-box-shadow:无| \[插图? && \[ ? ? ? \]\]# -webkit-box-shadow:none | \[插图? && \[ ? ? ? \]\]# } ``` However, this step can be ignored if it is creating confusion, as moz property and webkit property will only work in specific applications such as Firefox, and are not on a standards track. ### Examples #### Basic use ``` CSS div { 宽度:200px; 身高:50px; 背景色:#333; box-shadow:10px 10px 5px #ccc; } ``` 10px - offset-x 10px - offset-y 5px - blur #ccc - light gray color It will display ![image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krzysiekh/images/master/box-shadow1.png) #### Inside box shadow ``` CSS div { 宽度:200px; 身高:50px; 背景色:#333; box-shadow:inset 10px 10px 5px #ccc; } ``` It uses very similar code, but with inset value, which displays shadow inside the div element ![image](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/krzysiekh/images/master/box-shadow2.png) #### Multiple box shadows ``` CSS div { 宽度:200px; 身高:50px; 背景色:#333; box-shadow:inset 10px 10px 5px #ccc,10px 10px 5px #ccc; } \`\`\` 您可以使用逗号组合前两个框阴影,以在同一个div上获得多个框阴影 #### 更多信息 * 文件: [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/box-shadow)