extends ../layout block content h1.text-center Camper News hr .spacer .row .col-xs-12 h2 We have discontinued Camper News in favor of our a(href='http://reddit.com/r/freecodecamp')  Subreddit | . h3 Thank you to all of the campers who have contributed links over the past year. Our a(href='http://reddit.com/r/freecodecamp')  Subreddit |   is now the best place to share coding-related links. .spacer hr #search-results .spacer #story-list ul#stories .spacer h3.row .col-xs-2.col-sm-1 a(href="/" + author.username) img(src="#{author.picture}", class='img-news') .col-xs-10.col-sm-10 .col-xs-12.negative-28 a(href="#{link}", target="_blank") h3= title h6 .col-xs-12.positive-15.hidden-element#image-display .media .media-left img.url-preview.media-object(src="#{image}", alt="#{storyMetaDescription}") .media-body .col-xs-12.col-sm-12.col-md-6 h4= storyMetaDescription .col-xs-12 .spacer span#storyRank= rank + (rank > 1 ? " points" : " point") |  ยท  span Posted #{timeAgo} span  by  a(href="/" + author.username) @#{author.username} script. if (image) { $('#image-display').removeClass('hidden-element') }